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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

What Sara achieved by ranting

“She gave us a glimpse into her mental state.”

Vice President Sara Duterte ranted in a two-hour talk with reporters. She blamed President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. for the continuous probe into how she spent her confidential funds as VP and as former DepEd secretary. That rant sparked so many questions. Why did she do it? Was it a window into her mental state? Santa Banana!

A highlight of what she said was that she daydreamed of decapitating BBM. She even threatened to exhume the remains of BBM’s late father, who is now buried at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani, and throw it into the West Philippine Sea.

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But why is Sara blaming the President for the questions on her handling of confidential funds? It is the duty and obligation of members of Congress to look at how the funds of the people are spent.

As for the threat to desecrate the remains of a dead person and throw them into the West Philippine Sea, my gulay, that is simply unbecoming of the second-highest official of the land.

As a lawyer myself, I believe Sara could have violated the law for the threat of desecration of the dead.  She is also a lawyer! The Department of Justice should study this. Most importantly, why is Sara ranting against BBM and his family? Does it have something to do with the possibility of her running for president in 2028, to show the people that she is so tough that she could even attack an incumbent president?

Sara is truly her father’s daughter, not mincing any words in saying what she thinks. But she must remember that as VP, she should be more circumspect about her words. Disrespecting the dead is a bad thing to commit if you are projecting yourself as a viable leader.

As Roman Catholics, we Filipinos have great respect for the dead. That’s why on Nov 1 and 2, we mark All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day to show great respect for our dearly departed. Come to think of it, is Sara even still a Catholic? Is she now like her father who has as his spiritual advisor the self-appointed son of God, Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, founder of that Kingdom of Jesus Christ church?

Others say that Sara’s rants are because she believes that the investigation on her mishandling and misspending of the confidential funds is all the doing of BBM. But she should not forget that she is still the second highest official of the land and what she says carries a lot of weight. My gulay, for a Vice President, saying those words against BBM brings up the big question of whether Sara realizes the implications of what she says.

After her “drag me to hell” tirade, I was not surprised when some members of the House of Representatives wanted her to undergo psychiatric treatment. Sara countered that she would only agree if the reelectionists would likewise undergo the same tests.

I find these funny since all those psychiatric exams and drug tests are irrelevant to issues at hand.

Good that BBM just takes it all with a smile. We can interpret that reaction in many ways, but all I can say is that the Dutertes should be more careful in saying anything against BBM. Duterte’s future lies in the hands of the President. You know what I mean.

Sara’s rants achieved nothing but to tell the people what kind of vice president we have.


All these alleged poll surveys on the senatoriables, commissioned or otherwise, are immaterial at this stage with seven months to go until May. They are purely guesswork. But, as a journalist for the past seven decades, I know who will make it or not make it.

What I am really sad about is that we have senatorial candidates who stand a good chance of winning just because they are related to incumbent senators or are popular, even if their qualifications are questionable.

This shows the bankruptcy of our kind of politics, Santa Banana!


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