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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Attracting multitude of ageless dreamers

Knowing of my current role as head of the Philippine Retirement Authority, a good friend of mine, Michele Mitschiener Hoeflich, Hong Kong’s leading PR guru, shared a brilliant thought with me. She said that people at retirement age should never be referred to as “retired” because it has such a negative connotation.

People think that when you are “retired,” you have stopped doing things, stopped being active, stopped living, etc. But it’s the opposite that happens.

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This is the time of your life when you no longer pay attention to how old you are, as you continue doing things that you have always dreamed of, things on your bucket list, things that you know you deserve to have, after so many years of working hard.

An American couple takes a photo in front of the majestic Mayon Volcano

This is the stage of your life when your age no longer matters, as you continue to pursue what you have dreamed of doing. You have become the “ageless dreamer.”

The world’s population of “ageless dreamers” continues to increase through the years.  This is why the Philippine Retirement Authority is leaving no stone unturned to make our country the leading haven in Asia for this steadily increasing multitude from all over the world, seeking a new home in their golden years.

The Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) is a government-owned and controlled corporation mandated to attract foreign nationals and former Filipino citizens to make our country their new home in their autumn years. Its main offering is the Special Resident Retirees’ Visa (SRRV) which allows these foreign nationals multiple-entry into and an indefinite stay in the Philippines.

Aside from this multiple-entry privilege, the lifetime visa issued to these foreign nationals exempts them from Bureau of Immigration formalities and, more importantly, allows them to work, study, or invest in the country. They are also given free assistance with government agency transactions and have easy access to PhilHealth benefits and privileges.

Italian Paolo Grazzini (right) says he has been to 120 countries but it’s
only the Philippines that made him want to stay

To avail of the SRRV, there are a number of options. Foreign nationals who are 50 years old and above are qualified to apply. If they do not receive a pension from their country of origin, they are required to make a visa deposit of $20,000 in any of PRA’s seven accredited banks.  If the applicant receives a pension (at least $800 for single applicants or $1000 for applicants with dependents), the required visa deposit is only $10,000.

For former Filipinos who are now citizens of other countries, and foreign nationals who have served as their countries’ diplomatic officers here in the Philippines, they are extended a Courtesy Privilege of a much-reduced visa deposit to only $1500. Included in this privilege are former military officers of other countries and those who worked for international organizations recognized by our Department of Foreign Affairs like the United Nations, World Health Organization, Asian Development Bank, and others.

The applicant must accomplish the SRRV Application Form which is available online.  He must also submit a Medical Certificate, an authenticated Police Clearance from his country of origin, and an NBI Clearance if he has stayed in the Philippines more than 30 days prior to his application. These documents must be submitted together with eight copies of his recent photo and his passport containing a valid tourist visa.

There are approximately 58,000 foreign nationals who have the SRRV and have settled down in practically all regions here in our country. I’ve had many opportunities to chat with some of them and, when asked what made them decide to choose our country over those of our Asian neighbors, their most popular reason is our people. They always praise how welcoming, how friendly and how caring our people are. They also cite our country’s low cost of living and our people’s English proficiency. They say that these factors set against the backdrop of our amazing natural attractions are the natural magnet that has attracted them to settle down here on our shores.

An SRRV holder relaxes on a hammock as he enjoys the gorgeous
view of the beach

Among the many other reasons why they chose our country: “The Filipino smiles are always a good day to start my day”, “I like the way Filipinos take care of old people”, “Food is always at the center of celebrations”, “Filipinos have a strong sense of community”, “The country is rich in underwater wonders”, etc.

All these have inspired the PRA Team to continue to push for a bigger chunk of this “ageless dreamers” market and show them why they would Love To Live In The Philippines, PRA’s catchphrase. After all, we have 7,641 beautiful islands, the reasons why they will, and each is uniquely different from the other. More information on the SRRV and the PRA are available at

For feedback, I’m at [email protected]


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