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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Desperate deceptions: Vic Rodriguez’s shameful political ploys

Vic Rodriguez’s recent call for President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to undergo a “credible hair follicle drug test” is not only ludicrous but reeks of desperation and political sabotage.

Rodriguez, a disgraced former executive secretary who was unceremoniously ousted from the Marcos administration amidst allegations of corruption and abuses, is now shamelessly engaging in sour grapes politics by aligning himself with the opposition and launching baseless attacks against the administration.

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Rodriguez’s thinly veiled attempt to tarnish President Marcos’s reputation with unsubstantiated accusations of illegal drug use is not only a disgrace to the journalistic profession but also a blatant affront to the democratic principles upon which our society is built.

His malicious insinuations serve no purpose other than to sow discord and confusion among the Filipino people.

It is utterly preposterous for Rodriguez to demand a drug test from President Marcos based on nothing more than hearsay and speculation.

President Marcos has repeatedly stated his commitment to serving the Filipino people with integrity and honor, and his track record speaks for itself.

Under his leadership, the nation has seen significant strides in economic development, infrastructure improvement, and social welfare programs.

Furthermore, Rodriguez’s attempt to draw parallels between President Marcos and former President Rodrigo Duterte’s baseless accusations of drug use is not only absurd but also malicious.

President Marcos has categorically denied any involvement in illegal drug activities, and there is no credible evidence to suggest otherwise.

By attempting to revive discredited allegations, Rodriguez exposes himself as a desperate political operative willing to stoop to any level to undermine the duly elected government.

It is evident that Rodriguez’s call for drug testing is nothing more than a cheap political stunt aimed at diverting attention from his own sordid past and tarnishing the reputation of a duly elected leader.

His actions are not only reprehensible but also betray a fundamental lack of respect for the democratic process and the rule of law.

President Marcos has shown time and again his unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of governance and accountability.

His administration has made significant strides in combating corruption, promoting economic growth, and improving the lives of millions of Filipinos across the country.

Instead of engaging in petty political gamesmanship, Rodriguez would do well to reflect on his own shortcomings and seek redemption through genuine acts of service to the Filipino people.

Vic Rodriguez’s baseless accusations against President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. are nothing more than a desperate attempt to regain relevance in the political arena.

His call for a drug test is a shameful display of political opportunism and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

President Marcos has proven himself to be a capable and dedicated leader, and his administration deserves the full support of the Filipino people as they work together to build a brighter future for our nation.


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