29.2 C
Monday, October 14, 2024

Small victory in a great battle

Physician Natividad “Naty” Castro, who was seized from her San Juan City home on Feb. 18, held incommunicado, brought first to Butuan City and then to Bayugan in Agusan del Sur on charges of kidnapping serious illegal detention and then detained for 42 days, was released last week.

The Bayugan City Regional Trial Court dismissed the charges against Castro for “denial of substantive right to due process” and “lack of jurisdiction over the person of the accused.”

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The Philippine National Police accused Castro of being a member of the Communist Party of the Philippines – New People’s Army and of heading its health bureau.

Outrage broke upon the taking of Castro. Her classmates and colleagues swear to her competence and her caring nature. She excelled academically and, once finally a doctor, set up community health centers in Mindanao. She spoke up on behalf of indigenous peoples in Mindanao who fell victims to militarization.

Indeed she was not an ordinary doctor, her classmates said, but more of a servant leader.

Castro’s connections were able to drum up sufficient public outcry against the manner she was seized, detained, and accused. Even then, weeks passed before the case dismissals showed the flimsy and arbitrary basis of her case.

The release is a relief and a welcome development.

One can only imagine how difficult and hopeless it could seem for other individuals, similarly taken and accused in an unfair manner, who are not able to amplify their side and rally support from many groups. Their families are outraged, too, but they remain unheard by those of us focused on many other loud things especially leading up to elections. Their cases equally deserve to be known, discussed, and acted upon.

Meanwhile, those accusing them of and detaining are emboldened by top leadership, which has also tolerated and even inspired acts of violence against those simply working with those who cannot speak for themselves.

In the waning days of this administration, may we be mindful and watchful of injustices that may be committed while we are not looking, or while we are distracted with other things.


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