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Saturday, October 12, 2024

5 ways to help build a better community

It pays to be a responsible member of a community as a single person’s action has a great impact on where he lives. 

Many community problems can be solved when people work together, with or without government help. 

The thing is, we can do a lot to improve our lives if we keep in mind that we are part of a community and what we do or don’t do, even in the confines of our homes, will have an impact not just on us but everyone around us.

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Here are some suggestions from LPG company Solane that we can do as individuals to better our communities. 

Maintain a positive and healthy relationship among neighbors

Help prevent crime

Start a social media group for your community where you and your neighbors can post timely and relevant information, updates, warnings, and requests for help. Install more lights around your home to make you and your neighbors feel safer and more secure. If you can, install security cameras to discourage trespassers and to record events that may be of concern to the community. 

Keep your surroundings clean

By keeping your own space neat and tidy, you help keep your community clean. It might also encourage your neighbors to follow your example. Dispose of your garbage properly and segregate your trash. A pleasant environment will brighten up your community and help create a cheerful mood. 

Work together to help prevent prevent crime in your neighborhood 

Prepare for emergencies

Attend meetings and seminars to orient your family on what to prepare and what to do in case of emergencies. Consult an expert on what to do before, during, and after a calamity. Ensure that everyone in the family has everything he or she needs, like first-aid kits and go-bags. Making sure that you are prepared and know what to do is the best way to secure your safety.

Organize activities

To maintain a positive and healthy relationship among neighbors, bring them together through social and de-stressing activities. Hold a small yard party and invite everyone in the neighborhood. Encourage the adults to talk to each other and the children to play and get to know each other. If you can’t initiate such activities, participate in them when they are available. 

Treat your neighbors and their homes the same way you want to be treated 

Be considerate

Treat your neighbors and their homes the same way you want to be treated. Whenever problems occur, do your best to settle them amicably. Avoid starting arguments or gossiping about others. Offer assistance to a neighbor who needs help.


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