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Saturday, October 12, 2024

The never ending jeepney strikes

“Fortunately, the President finally stepped in and declared the PTMP will not be suspended which was absolutely the right and proper action”

JUST when the public started believing the Public Transportation Modernization Program problem is already a settled issue, along comes Senate resolution 1096 recommending the program be suspended, breathing new life to those opposing the program.

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It is not so clear why the Senate came up with the resolution but, clearly, it will further muddle the jeepney modernization program.

One big reason given by the Senate why it enacted the resolution was due to the cost of the new public transport units which is in the vicinity of about P2M.

Another probable reason although not publicly stated could be politics.

If we do the math, by siding with the unconsolidated group which, according to DOTr figures, constitute about 19 per cent compared to the consolidated group which is now about 81 per cent, the Senate move could only be described as foolhardy.

This is because the resolution made the unconsolidated group happy but the consolidated group which is way bigger angry at the Senate resolution.

Fortunately, the President finally stepped in and declared the PTMP will not be suspended which was absolutely the right and proper action.

Right from the start of this jeepney modernization program in 2017, the principal reason of those opposing is the cost of the unit.

According to them the unit cost is too expensive for drivers as well as operators to afford.

Although there is admittedly some truth to this in the earlier years of the program, current government figures of 81 per cent compliance indicate there is now widespread acceptance and the vast majority of the transport cooperatives that have been formed are operating successfully, thereby negating many of the objections of those opposing.

Furthermore, the public has accepted and is willing to pay more in exchange for a more comfortable and safer ride which is another reason given by those opposing the program about higher fares.

This being the case, why is MANIBELA, PISTON and the other jeepney associations still so opposed to the program?

It is most likely because the modernization program has become a threat to their corporate existence. With the formation of the cooperatives, there would no longer be a need for MANIBELA or PISTON and this is what the two fear most.

One thing more, with a smooth functioning PTMP, there will be less need for militancy which is where MANIBELA and PISTON belong.

But the most important reason why the modernization should proceed is the riding public who are dependent on public transportation whether by land or rail are entitled to a safer and more comfortable mode of public transportation commensurate to the fares they are paying.

Quite simply, although the old jeepney has served the public well in the past 79 years, it is time for change.

But PISTON and MANIBELA still want to keep the old smoke belching traditional jeepneys, one of the causes of the many respiratory medical cases reported in the NCR due to air pollution.

And with the rejection by the President of the Senate resolution, the two jeepney associations will once again go on a series of transport strikes to violate the conditions of their permits to operate and demonstrate their contempt of the law.

One reason the riding public is oftentimes at the mercy of these militant transport groups is because of the government policy of relying on private operators to take care of urban mass transportation like the NCR.

This is in contrast to the practice in many metropolitan areas around the world that consider providing urban mass transportation as a primary government responsibility.

Unfortunately, our DOTr believes mass transportation in the NCR should be in the hands of private operators, hence, all these troublesome strikes.

But if the then Metro Transit Corporation was not abolished by the first Aquino administration, MANIBELA and PISTON would be unable to give the DOTr all the headaches being experienced now. With the Metro Transit Corporation complemented by the 10 Bus cooperatives, public transport in the NCR was a lot more efficient and orderly unlike today’s free for all and seemingly uncontrollable system.


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