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Top 5 tips when buying home appliances

There are many home appliances that can be considered as big-ticket purchases. These include air conditioners, refrigerators, as well as TVs. As such, it’s more than logical to want to think twice and consider multiple factors before you make a final decision.

If you’re planning to buy appliances for your house in the near future, below are some tips to keep in mind. These will not only help you save money but also save you from headaches and frustrations later on.

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Be Strict Yet Flexible About Your Budget

One of the primary considerations of many Filipinos when buying any appliance or gadget is the cost. Who doesn’t want to make the most of their hard-earned money, right? Fortunately, with more brands entering the market, things have become more affordable over the years. For example, TV prices have gone down over the years and it’s now possible to find an FHD TV for as low as P12,000—or even lower!

However, sticking to a specific amount can severely limit your choices. Thus, it can be good to be a little more flexible with your budget. Instead of setting a hard limit on the amount, use a price range instead. Give yourself a little more breathing room, so to speak, so you have more choices and don’t feel as pressured to make a decision (that you may regret later).

Outline Your Needs

There are times when you might feel like buying the latest, shiniest thing on sale but make sure to keep your eyes on the prize. That is, focus on why you’re buying the appliance. Focus on your needs first, before you consider your wants. If you’re buying a refrigerator, for example, think about your shopping and cooking habits. If you often buy a lot of frozen goods or make a lot of cold treats, then you probably need a big freezer.

For washing machines, consider your laundry schedule and how much you usually wash. Do you really need a washer-dryer combo or a small washing machine would suffice? For TVs, think about how often you watch TV shows or movies and play games. That UHD TV might seem like a good deal, but its features might be put to waste if you’re only watching a couple of hours every week.

When you focus on your needs, you’re more likely to get an appliance that will meet or even exceed all your expectations.

Think of Energy Efficiency

For large appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines/dryers, energy efficiency is a huge factor. This is particularly true for refrigerators, which are running 24/7, as well as aircons that usually get about 4 to 6 hours of use every day.

When buying these appliances, take note of their energy efficiency rating or EER. The higher it is, the higher your cost savings on your electricity bill. If your budget allows, it’s also best if you can purchase an inverter ref and/or aircon. Inverter technology helps you conserve even more energy, which is good for both the planet and your wallet.

Measure, Measure, Measure

When buying appliances, bigger isn’t always better. Sure, that huge TV looks nice but will it fit in your living room? Maybe you should choose something a little smaller but still has great picture quality. The same goes for refrigerators and washing machines. It’s nice to have plenty of space to store your food or do only one batch of laundry instead of two. However, a spacious fridge or washer isn’t worth anything if you can’t get it into your home in the first place.

Speaking of getting it into your home, make sure to measure not just the appliance and the place where you’re going to put it. Measure the pathways, corridors, and doorways as well! For appliances with doors, make sure to account for the swing of the doors as well so that they don’t bump into walls or corners.

Wait for Sales

Last but certainly not least, if it’s not an emergency (e.g., your fridge broke and you need somewhere to store your food ASAP), it’s better to wait for seasonal sales. A good example here is during summer when air conditioners usually go on sale. The holiday season is also a great opportunity to shop for TVs since these appliances go on sale during this period.

Waiting for promotions when buying appliances will not only net you bigger savings; you can also enjoy more freebies. For example, when you buy a TV on sale, you may also get a free media box; when you buy a refrigerator, you may receive smaller appliances as a gift. You may even get extended warranty coverage. It all depends on the seller and/or the brand.

Buying appliances can be a little stressful simply because you have to think about a lot of things. Hopefully, these tips can help make the experience hassle-free for you.

Happy shopping!


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