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Monday, October 14, 2024

Just how could they miss?

Just how could they miss?"Let's check the facts rather than rely on those hosting press conferences."


Early this week, a respected television network uploaded on its website a story generated from a video press conference hosted by former Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo with Elizabeth Derr of Simularity Corp. as a resource person, regarding allegations of a Chinese vessel dumping human feces near an island in the South China Sea, which is being claimed by many countries including the Philippines. The story was accompanied by a photo showing an unnamed ship which appears to be really dumping human waste.

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However, just hours after posting, there were claims that the photo of the unnamed ship was actually taken years ago thousands of miles from the South China Sea, somewhere in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef to show the extent of the damage to coral reefs by the dredging conducted by Australia. Simularity was quick to wash its hands of the booboo saying it captioned the photo as an unnamed ship, putting the blame on the television network, which reacted by pulling down the controversial photo. Even the satellite photos which Simularity attached with story were unconvincing and were not validated. Unfortunately, another media outlet still uploaded the photo later in the day when its authenticity had been challenged. 

 For its part, Simularity urged the government to validate its findings, even as lawmakers called for a congressional investigation into the reports.

What I find weird is the failure of these giant media organizations to check on the facts themselves? Why do they have to rely solely on the statement of the one hosting the press conference and the materials he or she is distributing?

First of all, have they checked on the background of Simularity?

According to Rigoberto Tiglao, in his column in the Manila Times the other day, Simularity Corp., although based in Florida in USA, was funded by Shatter Tech Venture Holdings, a firm based in Makati, owned by the family of former Noynoy Aquino’s Transportation and Communication Secretary, Joseph Abaya. Yes, the same person whom Aquino vowed to run over a train should the LRT project from Cavite not be finished by 2015. 

Of Simularity’s three directors, one is Joseph’s brother, Peter Anthony, who was former general manager of the National Reclamation Authority during Aquino’s time. The other two are Elizabeth Derr and her husband Raymond.

According to Tiglao, the Abaya’s shelled out $1 million to fund Simularity.

Now, isn’t the background regarding the people behind Simularity, and in fact, the conference’s host, too obvious to be biased that they, and the news they are peddling, merit validation? That the said story needs validating and that since the story probably concerns diplomatic issues, official government position on the matter should have been sought?

But no, they didn’t bother with that. Probably because they were too excited with the story, or that they have their own political biases.

As journalists, we have to admit we all have our own biases, and that includes politics. But that was supposed to be a straight news presentation and facts should have been validated.

Tiglao furthers this is not the first time Simularity, which incidentally, had only been incorporated last year, had presented fake news regarding China.  

Last May, Tiglao said, Simularity “posted scores of photos of what it reported as showing over 200 Chinese ships in the Union Banks area, titled as ‘Chinese fishing vessels in Philippine EEZ,’ even as the area is claimed by China and Vietnam as their own sovereign territories.” 

In that post, Simularity didn’t mention at all that Union Banks also is mostly controlled by Vietnam.

However, Tiglao said that as early as April 23, he had already proven in his article, the “report of Chinese maritime militia was a hoax, that the vessels were simply Chinese fishing fleets from its coasts seeking refuge from a storm in the boomerang-shaped atoll.”

Tiglao, citing sources, say Simularity had been contracted by the US State Department to set-up a South China Sea Rapid Alert Forum, a platform for manufacturing anti-China propaganda using its interpretation of satellite images.

While this allegation is yet to be proven, it only validates how we are at the mercy of how Simularity interprets a satellite photo. And these two giant media networks happened to accept hook, line and sinker Simularity’s interpretation of a satellite photo which it claimed shows Chinese ships dumping human waste into the South China Sea.

I just don’t understand how these respected media outlets missed that. The manner by which they gathered and presented that particular news item defies generally accepted journalistic norms.

Kinuryente sila ng harap-harapan.

* * *

Last week, we woke up to devastating news of a C-130 plane crashing in Mindanao, killing 52 of its military personnel passengers and injuring 49 others. While the photos and videos gathered from the crash site were truly saddening, one positive thing we witnessed there is how the civilians mobilized themselves and deployed themselves to rescue the survivors. And one of them was Erham Awaluddin.

In an interview with Noli de Castro, Awaluddin identified himself as a Computer Science student who dropped out and had to work in construction because he cannot afford to buy a laptop. 

Kabayan helped him air his appeal for some kind-hearted soul to provide him a laptop so he could pursue his studies. 

 A dear friend, my partner-in-crime, Jenni Munar, along with her sister, the real Tapang at Malasakit, Jovie Monsalud, heeded the call. Last Tuesday, Jenni and Jovie dropped by at the Villamor Airbase to hand over the brand-new laptop to Philippine Air Force col. Dennis Estrella who promised them he would personally hand over the unit to Awaluddin.

I may have not been there to witness the handover but if only I could, I would willingly have accorded my Partner Jenni and Tapang at Malasakit Jovie my own version of a 21-gun salute.


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