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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Celebrating 100 years

"The Communist Party of China is ready to face its future."


Last July 2, the Communist Party of China (CPC), the world’s largest governing party,  celebrated its 100th year anniversary. Considered by observers worldwide as the spark which triggered the revolutionary struggle of the Chinese people culminating in the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the party has been acknowledged by and large by the Chinese people, all 1.4 billion of them as of last count, as having provided the much-needed guidance and steely determination in that long journey. 

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Save for the continuing pushbacks mounted by certain nations and sectors over the party’s “repressive measures and so-called human rights abuses in Hong Kong and Xinjiang,” to name two of the more common charges, it is safe to note that without the CPC it would have been next to impossible for China to be where it is today – a rejuvenated and moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Speaking before the thousands attending the 100th year celebrations in Beijing, President Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, said that over the past century, the CPC has secured extraordinary historical achievements on behalf of the people and is even more invigorated to “lead the Chinese people on a new journey towards realizing the second centenary goals of seeking happiness for the Chinese people, lifting them from poverty and bondage and rejuvenating the Chinese nation.”

With only 50 members at the time of its founding, the CPC has since grown to a 95 million-member party leading a country of 1.4 billion people. The celebratory party briefer noted that “through a century of endeavors, the CPC led the people to overthrow the three big mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism, founded a new China, pioneered the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and built a poor state into the world’s second-largest economy.”

Indeed, the profound changes brought about by the Chinese people’s struggle under the party’s guidance has been the object of awe, sometimes envy and anger, in many parts of the world. That success, juxtaposed with the fate of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) otherwise known as the Soviet Union, the first successful socialist struggle in recent memory, which has since disintegrated into separate nations, leaving the original Soviet Communist Party a mere shadow of itself, can only be attributed to the CPC’s firm leadership and people centered development in upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics.  

Faced with the constantly evolving dynamics of an even more complex global situation as it emerges as the world’s second biggest economy and the regional military power, it is clear that the journey ahead for China and the CPC will be fraught with even more and definitely dangerous challenges. But if we go by the celebratory mood last July 2, there is no question that the party is ready to face that future. As the party briefer noted, the CPC will “continue its great founding spirit comprised of the principles of upholding truth and ideals, staying true to the original aspiration and founding mission, fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice and remaining loyal to the party and faithful to the people.”  

Expounding on the theme of firm leadership and people’s unity, President Xi said:

“Looking back on the path we have traveled and forward to the journey that lies ahead, it is certain that with the firm leadership of the Party and the great unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, we will achieve the goal of building a great modern socialist country in all respects and fulfill the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.”   

Contrast this celebration with that of the 245th anniversary of the US’ Declaration of Independence last July 4th and one can only sigh with disbelief. In China, we witnessed a country singularly focused on its people’s uplift from poverty and bondage while seeking its place as a leading member of the community of nations. In the United States, we only had divisive rhetoric, accusations of un-American conduct between and among parties and sectors and continued flailing at the failures of the American way of life.

Sadly, the world’s greatest country, as one historian used to describe America, and the beacon of peace, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to most people is unravelling to the consternation not only of its allies but to all peoples. It is as if American society is being subjected to a stress test of sorts as an increasing number of influencers are trying their very best to question the very foundations of its existence. It is a challenge which, if left unattended, can only lead to even more problems and complications rather than a coming together in pursuit of common goals.

On the other hand, there is the New China and its uplifted people, albeit with murmurings of disappointment in some quarters, and its uplifting message of hope, friendship and disciplined development. This singularity of purpose under the CPC’s guidance has proven to be a success and generally accepted by society as a whole. As one man who apparently has witnessed some of the more turbulent years in China’s recent history said, the people have taken the party’s guidance at heart as it has kept the country whole and given food on the table to its 1.4 billion people. “It is very hard to imagine how China would be now without the party,” the old man said.          

Given the trajectory of these contrasting celebrations, it should be clear what the next 100 years would be like if no major reformation in governance and societal relations is undertaken, especially in the grand, old United States.


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