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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Road trip snack essentials

Even with the ever-changing quarantine guidelines and at times confusing travel restrictions, one thing is constant and true: Summer, err, dry season is here.

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Road trip snack essentials

This time of year traditionally calls for those wacky out-of-town adventures that apparently only get going when unplanned. 

However, with the health crisis at hand, a trip to Baguio or Boracay on a whim might not be the best of ideas, especially now that there is a surge in COVID-19 cases recently. 

Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean traveling for fun should be discouraged. 

There are ways to enjoy the reviving tourism industry in the Philippines while keeping yourself safe and ready when lockdowns become more lenient. 

Manila Standard is here to recommend the essential snacks and thirst-quenchers you can bring with you on your next travel getaway.

Road trip snack essentials

Here are our Top 8 road trip snack essentials :

1. Fruits. We’ve got to start this list off on the right foot. So, you’re going to need some nutrition when you go on your next road trip. Packing some fresh fruits like apples or bananas is a great way to fill you up, while giving you some needed nutrients. 

2. Crackers. We can’t say whose mom said it first that bringing with you some crackers on a trip is a great way to stave off motion sickness. But then again, who are we to ever question the wisdom of mothers? So listen to your mama and grab some of those Magic Flakes.

3. Nuts. Go nuts all you want over nuts like peanuts, cashews, pistachios, almonds,  what have you. Legumes and nuts are some of the best options to quell those munchies during those long drives. Moreover, these are great sources of protein, fat (the good kind), and Fiber

4. Water. This should be a no brainer. In fact, what’s the sense of this list if you can’t “wash” it all down. Plus, nuts are a choking hazard so keeping a bottle or two with you on a trip should be second to none. Kidding aside, water is essential in keeping you hydrated, and you have to be hydrated, especially with the “summer” heat. Pro tip, invest in your own insulated water bottle that will help keep your drink cool (or hot) longer. 

5. Sodas, Health Drinks, Juice. There’s a reason why we opted to put water first before this. Yes, water is important, but sipping on an ice cold fizzy drink on a hot day just hits differently. Pack your favorite drinks with you on a cooler and you’re good to go. 

6. Sandwiches. Tuna, Cheese, a bit of ham. Take your pick, but a sandwich of any kind (except being “sandwiched” between two sweaty companions) is a perfect snack companion during your vacation trips. It’s easy to whip up, easier to pack, and easiest to dispose, no wrapper! 

7. Eggs. No, not scrambled eggs nor poached ones. Unless you’re eating tapsilog inside your car, we’re not talking about sunny side up. Straight-to-the-point, simple, concise hard-boiled eggs will do. These will easily fill up your stomach and with just a little pinch of salt, an awesome snack to bring during a road trip. 

8. Chips. We started the list with some healthy options, then what better way to end this article than by suggesting some of our guilty pleasures? Chips, or in the vernacular, “chichirya”, is a staple in any trip. It’s cheap unless you get those imported big bag kinds, and it’s tasty! Sure, there’s sodium you’ve got to consider, but hey, didn’t we recommend bringing some H20? 


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