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Monday, October 14, 2024

Legalizing an ideology, joining a terror group

"The opposition we see today is a virtual clone of the most conservative and reactionary American political party."


When the Philippines opted to abrogate Republic Act No. 1700 or the Anti-Subversion Law on September 22, 1992 with President Fidel Ramos signing R.A. No. 7637, did not realize that the Anti-Subversion Law it abrogated refers to the old Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP) founded in 1932 or the so-called pro-Soviet communists.

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Because of our deeply embedded hatred of communism, Congress enacted on June 20, 1957 a law outlawing membership in the party, which law came about at the height of the Hukbalahap rebellion in the 1950s. To overcome the possible violation of freedom of expression and the right to peaceably assemble to petition the government for redress of grievances, the then hysterical anti-communist government come out to declare illegal membership in a communist organization.

By any stretch of one’s imagination, the Communist Party of the Philippines referred to in R.A. No. 1700 has no reference to the present although it bears the same party name. First, when R.A. No. 1700 was conceived, the CPP organized by Jose Ma. Sison and his band of idealist students from UP and remnants from the old PKP have yet to be organized. The CPP was founded on December 26, 1968, and its birth was an offshoot of the ideological split between the then Soviet Union and China with an ideology based on what it calls Marxist-Leninist Mao Zedung Thought with an armed group called New People’s Army to distinguish itself from the old Hukbong Magapapalaya ng Bayan or HMB.

The greatest irony about this communist party is it was purposely organized on the date of birth of China’s great communist leader and founder. While they have not publicly denounced the so-called “thoughts of Mao,” surely they have no reservations about denouncing the present leadership, particularly after President Marcos opened diplomatic relations in exchange for China’s ceasing support to the local insurgency movement.

There is no question the CPP “is in fact an organized conspiracy to overthrow the Government not only by force and violence but also by deceit, subversion and other illegal means, for the purpose of establishing in the Philippines a totalitarian regime.” However, for the CPP, the National Democratic Front and NPA to openly denounce China for its continued support to what it sees as the dictatorial and fascist government, it now collaterally endorses US sponsored policies on human rights, war on terror, on our issue in the South China Sea, China’s threat of economic dominance in the Philippines, and our implied need for the continued stay of the US military bases in the Philippines.

The decision to abrogate the Anti-Subversion Law paradoxically legalized the Re-Established Communist Party of the Philippines was never in fact declared illegal by R.A. No. 1700. What R.A. No. 7636 repealed were the decrees specifically P.D. Nos. 885, 1736, 1835 and 1975 and all other laws relative to the CPP, NDF and NPA, Moreover, the old PKP which have long been declared legal by President Marcos and a decree issued recognizing the HMB for their contribution to the liberation of the Philippines during the Japanese occupation entitling them to receive pension and veterans pay just like the Filipino veterans during World War II.

Any decision to revive the Anti-Subversion Law or R.A. No. 1700 may not be as easy as our strategists would conceive. The CPP and the PKP are totally different political parties subscribing and espousing a similar ideology known as Marxist socialism, but in substance are remarkably different. Today, there no longer exists such ideological groupings as pro-Soviet and pro-Chinese as the Soviet Union, and the two have long settled their differences in favor of seeking better political and economic relations.

By strange coincidence, every time there is a remarkable warming in the relations between China and this country, the tempo of the local insurgency intensifies. While there is no evidence of the US funneling direct financial and military assistance to the local CPP/NDF/NPA, there ,is collateral evidence to support this fact as done by the open and covert support made by the Church, the oligarchy and by the opposition

First, the CPP/NDF/NPA have consistently made the as their permanent allies the enemies the Marcos administration. They have however been selective, vacillating in their treatment of oligarchs, the Church, and the opposition based on their financial need and realization for mass support.

Second, the CPP/NDF/NPA has generally kept silent about US presence in this country or in shaping the country’s foreign policy by the US. The CPP, NDF and NPA like the oligarchy, the Church and the opposition just stop short of demanding support from the US to help them check China’s inroad to our economy.

The CPP insurgency movement became upbeat after President Duterte announced the government will pursue and independent foreign policy and at one time even threatened to scrap the VFA.

Third, although the issue of land reforms has somewhat simmered down, the problem remains with the oligarchs acquiring big estates to be converted to luxurious condominiums, malls, hotels, and vacation spas, while the Church remains in limbo when the Duterte administration will tax its properties and businesses. This explains why the Church openly supported the formation of the NDF for it allowed members of the clergy to join and drop all reference to the issue of clerico-fascism.

Fourth, the opposition we see today is a virtual clone of the most conservative and reactionary American political party. Most of the leading media organizations are controlled by it and are often owned and funded by the oligarchs. The media in particular remains loyal to the policy of the US and will do everything to protect American interest. As usual, the Left takes advantage of this because of the propaganda value of freedom of the press and in upholding human rights.

Part of their lifeline is the tacit and sometimes open support in the campaign against insurgency. Their battle cry should remain that the Left remains anti-China, and to resist the so-called “fascist” tendency of the present government. Many suspect that these are calibrated response to remind the administration that the armed struggle remains a threat to the country’s national security.

The so-called Makabayang Koalisyon is made up of 12 party-list lawmakers in the House of Representatives which was founded on April 16, 2009. The accredited party-list of the Makabayan bloc are: 1) Bayan Muna (Nation First); 2) Alliance of Concerned Teachers (Act); 3) Anakpawis (Toiling Masses); 4) GABRIELA – Women's party; 5) Kabataan (Youth); 6) Katribu (Tribesmen); 7) Migrante (Migrants);8) Akap-bata (Childcare); 9) COURAGE for Government Employees); 10) Piston (Drivers); 11 Kalikasan (Green Party); and, 12) Aking Bikolnon (Bicolano people).

There are other organizations also identified as front organization of the CPP-NDF but have yet to be accredited by them, having failed to elect their representative. They are as one would day hibernating fronts of the Left ready to occupy in the event of vacancy. They do not swear loyalty to the Constitution but are ready to cite it in defense to any threat that will exclude them from participating in any electoral exercise.

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