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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Robredo should be kicked out: Part II

Robredo should be kicked out: Part II"Why does the PET refuse to decide on this all-important matter?"



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If the justices of the Supreme Court should decide to reject the petition for a recount, nobody in his right mind would believe the Presidential Electoral Tribunal. The massive electoral fraud committed has become public knowledge that many people wonder why a neophyte in national politics would, by daybreak, awaken the people to see her leading by more than one million votes. One need not have knowledge in statistics why all of a sudden Robredo surged by nearly two million votes.

But examining why the Comelec, Smartmatic and PET are desperate in insisting on the victory of this demagogue, it becomes apparent that they want a repetition of the 1986 hoopla of people clamoring for their bogus democracy and freedom. In short, they want to reverse the reforms initiated by this government.

They are the same political swindlers who are committed to retarding progress by keeping their fealty to the oligarchy, to the Church, to the communists and its front organizations, and to the US imperialist. This is a battle of people wanting to unshackle the oppression with Robredo representing the core value of the vested interest class. Their being called opposition is not that they have an alternative program of government but just hungry for power.

The petition filed against this fraudulent vice president has created a dilemma. This is now a complicated issue because the change in international situation has become tighter for our politicians to catch up. The US that used to finance local lackeys to overcome their increasing unpopularity is running out of funds.

This has induced the CPP, the NDF and their front organizations to coalesce with the capitalist bankers and corrupt bureaucrats in governments with the opportunistic Church giving their blessings. It is like a grand reunion of the so-called “people power.” The slight variation is that the US wants to intensify its anti-Chinese slander to sustain their bankrupt empire. Even the CPP had dropped Mao Zedung from their ideological curriculum. Otherwise, they will wither to oblivion as Marx put it.

Despite the difficulties, the US cannot just abandon Robredo midstream for that would mean a de facto extension of the Duterte administration. The opposition could be reduced to a political pariah deprived of a candidate in the coming presidential election. Already, the US is finding it hard to stave off its receding influence.

The phony is their last presidential bet. They can no longer present another Magsaysay much that the Filipino people have politically matured. The Liberal Party has been proven to be a party of subservient lackeys and corrupt politicians. To let that phony lose in that recount could lead to the collapse of their political apparatus. Worse, it would mean an admission that the entire machinery of the State was used to vandalize the election in the name of their prostituted freedom and democracy.

In fact, people are wondering why the Duterte government did not cancel the contract with Smartmatic although he revealed how it made a mockery of our electoral system. He did not even prosecute the former chairman of the Comelec who is now enjoying his sweet time in the US after gifting him with a demagogue only to lambast every now and then his policies.

To ask, what makes the justices think they are above the law? They themselves promulgated the rule, and were given two years to decide the petition. Even without reminding them of their duty, they have to decide the petition before the six year term of the President ends. Otherwise, the petition will become moot and academic and will not serve any purpose.

On the other hand, a no decision means that nobody can accuse that charlatan of cheating. This would suffice to legitimize the massive fraud committed by the US-operated cheating machine called Smartmatic. The phony can parade to proclaim she won and the issue of cheating would have been trashed by those justices after maliciously rendering the petition moot and academic.

Should this happen, the Duterte administration will be perceived as accomplice in making a travesty of our judicial system? His credibility in wanting to bring about an honest to goodness change will be affected. Even the sizable supporters of Marcos will be divided suspecting he was a party to that political swindling. People will no longer believe him as one with “impeccable integrity” for obviously he allowed the petition to lapse with those lazy justices laughing at how they legitimized fraud.

The announcement of the President that his administration is committed to shifting the country’s alliance with the West appears to be without meaning and direction. The boast that he would terminate the VFA now remains in limbo. Similarly, when he spoke before the meeting of the UNGA, he said to quote: “We must remain mindful of our obligations and commitment to the Charter of the United Nations and as amplified by the 1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes. The Philippines affirms that commitment in the South China Sea in accordance with UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award.”

What is clear is that the President initially distanced himself from that decision initiated by his predecessor, which they anticipated China would not recognize. There is nothing wrong if he is referring to China’s claim of the “nine-dash line” in the SCS. As a geographical demarcation making inclusive to China all claims within that area, then it would constitute a violation of international law, specifically of the right to freedom of navigation.

On the other hand, the arbitral award referred to no specific island that should be returned to the Philippines, and certainly there was nothing wrong when the President (referring to the “nine-dash line”) said, to quote: “The Award is now part of international law, beyond compromise and beyond the reach of passing governments to dilute, diminish or abandon. We firmly reject attempts to undermine it.” That statement was more of beatitude than a declaration of our intention to resolve the issue peacefully and amicably.

Our people have for a long time been hoodwinked to the belief the US will always be around to bankroll our financial needs. But as said, times have changed. Today, it is that bankrupt empire that is sucking the coffers of our government by steering tension in the region to necessitate and justify our purchase of arms “to prepare the country for war with China.”

The CPP and NDF, on the other hand, are urging the phony to negotiate with her as their recognized vice president. Should she bite that trash, she would in effect usurp the powers of the President as commander in chief. She will divide our Armed Forces with those on her side abandoning their commander in chief. This is technically a coup d’ etat much that she would be performing the duty and function of President without her being authorized by the Constitution, or sworn into office as President. Only in the event of death, impeachment or incapacity of the President could this charlatan perform that duty as our commander-in-chief. [email protected]


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