28.4 C
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Giving ‘premier’ service


Real estate company Ovialand, Inc. recently announced steps to face the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, using its deep well of experience to make the company more resilient, and quicker to adapt to change. “The past few months were challenging for many businesses,” acknowledged Pammy Olivares-Vital, president of Ovialand, which has projects in Laguna, Batangas and Quezon provinces. . “What we initially did was anticipate the worst case scenario and work our way back from there.” One of the first adjustments that Ovialand did was to go digital in its processes and communications. The sales team converted their presentations to become online friendly, sales kits were turned to digital visual aids complete with photo galleries and videos, while Zoom sessions were set with clients instead of personal meetings.  “Due to these adjustments, we did not feel the pinch of dwindling sales because we adapted to online selling. In fact, our sellers continued to thrive with their incentives and commissions,”  Pammy revealed. “As we maneuver around this new normal, we look forward to a stronger return, one that is greater than before the pandemic.”


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