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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dragon fruit is safe for dogs

It is always fun for dogs to have new flavors in their food.

It is also always good to give your dog food that will provide a different set of nutrients.

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Please make sure though that the new food should be low in calories and should not cause unnecessary weight gain.

One such food that can be given as a treat or as a supplement to a dog’s main diet is dragon fruit.

But introduce any new food slowly by giving very small amounts.

“Your pooch can  safely eat dragon fruit as it is completely non-toxic to dogs!” said in “Can Dogs Taste Dragon Fruit?”

Dragon fruit is sweet, yummy and full of nutrients, said.  It is good for both humans and dogs, thus an owner can have a dragon fruit for a snack with his/her dog.

Dragon fruit is a very healthy fruit you can give to your dog. But remove the skin before giving  this fruit to your dog.  Give only a small amount.
Dragon fruit is a very healthy fruit you can give to your dog. But remove the skin before giving  this fruit to your dog.  Give only a small amount. 

How to prepare dragon fruit

You have to remove the skin of the dragon fruit before giving it to your dog.

“The skin is tough to eat and is hard to digest,” said

Give your dog a small amount of the flesh of the dragon fruit.  Too much dragon fruit can upset the stomach and cause loose stool or diarrhea in dogs and humans.

Some dogs  may not like the texture of dragon fruit because it is very soft. But there are dogs who love the mushy, very soft textures of dragon fruit. Our shih tzus do.

When I ate a  dragon fruit, I found it to be a cooling food. I suggest you give dragon fruit  in the morning or  up to 2 p.m. , or when it is hot, because it will cool your pet’s body. Do not give it at night, as it is already cold at night.

“Dragon fruit is naturally sweet, meaning most dogs should really enjoy this special fruit after a little bit of time to get used to it,” said

It is important to observe your dog when giving  new food like  dragon fruit.

Signs your dog likes dragon fruit

Body Language:




Wags tail

Raises ears

Lip licking


Whale eye

Other signs you might notice if your dog likes dragon fruit:

Staring at You/the Food

Pawing at Your Leg

Licking their Lips

Begging for More

Shakti , now 12 years old, loves dragon fruit. Our other shih tzus love dragon fruit too.
Shakti , now 12 years old, loves dragon fruit. Our other shih tzus love dragon fruit too. 

Some interesting facts about dragon fruit

The dragon fruit is believed to help people improve eye sight.

It also helps humans with hypertension.

It is believed that the small and soft black seeds in the dragon fruit help normalize blood sugar levels in people who suffer from diabetes. 

Science Behind Dogs and Dragon Fruit

This fruit is packed with  powerful nutrients and is thus good for humans and dogs alike, said.

It stressed that dragon fruit has:

1. a very high amount of antioxidants and vitamin C which will boost the dog’s immune system. These will also prevent a lot of diseases, including  heart disease and cancer.

2. micronutrients , essential vitamins and minerals that help prevent cancer and  diseases, and boost the immune system.

3. a high fiber content that helps the digestive tract function properly and remain healthy. This means your pet will be able to always clean out his/her digestive tract by removing harmful toxins. 

4. omega 3 which helps protect your dog's skin and coat, make the fur strong and shiny, boost the immune system, and decrease inflammation, among others.

5. high levels of calcium and iron which keep your dog's bones strong and very healthy.

Some reminders

1. Dragon is not toxic to dogs and is a healthy food to give to your dog BUT give it in moderation. ‘Most dogs will only need a few smaller spoon fulls for them to reap the fruit's health benefits, “ stressed.

2. The general rule is to  NEVER eat or give the seeds of the non-toxic fruit or vegetable. But dragon fruit’s seeds are so small and soft that it will not get stuck in the body or harm the dog. You do not have to remove the seeds of a dragon fruit before giving to your pet.

3. Do not give the thick, leathery skin of the dragon fruit to your pet. The dog may not be able to chew and digest the skin.

4. It can be eaten raw and in various ways. You can give the fruit as is, or mix in their food.

5. If it upsets the dog’s stomach, do not give more.  “Limit to 1-2 spoonfuls at a time. Don't give them the skin,” said.

We give our shih tzus about 3-4  very small pieces  three times a week.  We take advantage of this time when dragon fruit is in season which is  May – August.

We prefer to give the purple variety or  what sellers call the “red” dragon fruit which is reddish purple inside because our dogs prefer this.  I guess it is because it is more juicy. But if we can not find the red variety, we give the one with white flesh inside.


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