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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

LifeScience Center Leads in Fostering the Delivery of Quality Health and Wellness Services in the Philippines

When it comes to improving health conditions, reducing symptoms of chronic illnesses, and boosting the immune system, knowing how to take care of one’s self becomes a top priority.  Despite the measures conducted by the local government to contain the spread of the disease, the number of people susceptible to acquire the virus substantially grew over the weeks and demand for medicines among Filipinos remained higher while access became a big barrier.

LifeScience Clinic

There is no doubt that this coronavirus pandemic urged more people to prioritize their well-being, that is why people everywhere are being encouraged to get their health in check. At its core, hospitals that provide primary care may falter as cases continue to increase thus, seeking help from health and wellness professionals during this situation may come in handy. Doing personal measures to strengthen the immune system is necessary especially the immune system does a remarkable job of defending the body against disease-causing viruses.

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But the big question is, how can you do it?

Go-to Health Team

Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step towards naturally keeping the body strong and healthy. Knowing that you need to improve your health condition is a far cry from knowing who to seek in achieving your health goals.

“Every part of the body functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies like eating healthy and exercising. As we age, our immune response capability weakens, that's why COVID-19 heavily affects those with chronic illnesses and the elderly. Our immune systems are made up of special cells, tissues, and organs that all work together to protect us from both external and internal threats. Attempting to boost the cells of one’s immune system is key, because then it makes it easier to defeat invading pathogens like the virus,” explains Dr. Denise Lavilles of LifeScience Center.

Dr. Denise Lavilles of LifeScience Center

“Under normal circumstances, our bodies know how to support and defend the parts it perceives as “you”, while protecting it from anything it sees as “not you”. It is a very complex and elaborate system, involving practically every cell in the body. It follows that a compromised (either a slow or overactive) immune system would lead to disease,” added Dr. Lavilles.

Now more than ever, health and wellness professionals are highly sourced out to conduct consultations primarily needed by those who are at higher risk for severe illnesses. Children, elderly, and adults with health conditions like diabetes and chronic respiratory illnesses are prone to developing severe and fatal cases of contracting the virus if they become ill. Well, going out to get an actual physical test may no longer be necessary at this point. That is where online consults come in!

LifeScience Center, a premier healthcare provider of Functional Medicine for more than 10 years, devised ways to get accessible care and assistance without leaving the comforts of your home. LifeScience Center knows the value of top-quality medication that comes from years of research and preparation together with esteemed partners both locally and abroad. With its diversified services, LifeScience Center was able to solve health concerns by using a root-cause medicine approach called functional medicine and utilizing advanced testing that are usually not accessible locally. With its inspiring growth performance, Filipinos can expect and witness a different approach in the healthcare system that is seen to be more inclusive than others.

Today, online health consultations can be as reliable as the ones that involve face-to-face consultation with a doctor through the health programs of LSC. Chronic Disease Management Consultations for those who have existing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and PCOS can now be done online. LSC also now offers an online Immune Boost Consultation to determine the body’s exact nutrition, medical, and supplementation needs to help strengthen the immune system. Both consultations come with free nutrition consultations and high-grade supplements beneficial in protecting one’s health.

The use of online consultation is one of the many initiatives that drives LSC in their pursuit to raise standards in the healthcare system. What is even more enticing is the convenience of getting the supplements delivered at your doorsteps to give ease and prevent the patients from leaving their houses. Additionally, laboratory tests which some may think impossible to obtain during this crisis may also be requested via home service. These efforts all contribute to LSC’s belief that the first line of defense starts from having a healthy lifestyle and all efforts that will contribute to strengthening the body’s immune system should be readily available and within reach for Filipinos.

Now, online consultations, delivery of supplements up to laboratory tests will no longer be a problem to high-risk individuals. In getting the health assistance you need, LSC’s Care Team has it all covered!

Supplements and Vitamins Delivered at Your Doorstep

LSC is your health and wellness partner of choice to keep the Filipino community healthy amid COVID-19. Protecting the health, safety and security of the patients and medical practitioners is the organization’s top priority to help reduce the spread of the virus and to complement the government’s efforts as we face an unprecedented health crisis.

Blue Avelino, Group COO of ROMLAS Health Group and Operations Head of LifeScience Center

COVID-19 affects people differently.  People who are more vulnerable to contract the virus if not given enough and immediate care should be considered. In order to boost the immune system, LSC is now offering high-grade supplements to strengthen the body’s defense against infections. The team also figured out ways in which people can get these supplements without leaving their home—telehealth and home supplement delivery solutions will be just as relevant for patients who are at high risk especially the elderly and those with heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.

LSC provides supplements that are mostly pure using quality ingredients and proven effective to ensure safety and effectiveness of the products being distributed in Metro Manila. According to the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), some of the supplements helpful for the immune system that may be availed include Vitamin C, Probiotics, Vitamin D, Curcumin, Quercetin, Resveratrol, NAC, Melatonin, Multivitamins and Zinc. The availability of these Vitamin C supplements will soon be available for delivery. Just simply message their Facebook Page, email or visit their website to inquire and order.

LifeScience Center’s Home Service

Depending on the patient's health status, regular supply of essential medicine and health technologies were also being offered by LSC. To highlight, there were two tests under the robust product line up of LSC that may be useful in your situation. Food Intolerance test for one will help you find the food behind the symptoms showing in your daily activity. Whether it is constant migraines or being bloated, the test will help pinpoint what's causing the prevailing symptoms by simply getting a blood sample tested. On top of this, LSC also found the easiest way to determine what is causing your allergies without having to endure painful skin patch tests. With just a blood sample, the FABER Allergy test analyzes 244 allergen preparations such as insects, animal hair, pollens and others. These are some of the many products and services of LSC that may change the way you deal with your day to day struggles.

Coming from the groundwork efforts of the founders of ROMLAS Health Group, LSC is one of the top tier healthcare providers that continuously innovate to provide timely treatment that involves speed, quality, and safety. LSC works to bridge the gap between the need to protect the most vulnerable and matching them with the right Functional Medicine program or service to help manage health conditions.  Through critical preparedness and readiness to respond to the growing demand for health products and services, LSC does not only look at the hurdles but rather focuses on solving rampant recurring problems through the use of effective resources like maximizing the use of technology to connect individuals to the medical care they need.

“The fact that it is hard to know how the virus will affect any individual person makes the disease even more life threatening. LifeScience Center advocates to empower everyone to achieve their health and wellness goals- be it your physical aspect, mental or social being. With that in mind, we saw a massive surge in interest that is why we are making our products and services flexible and readily available for anyone who needs it. We saw just how difficult the situation is for most medical professionals and LSC is doing a fair share to extend assistance to those prone to infectious diseases to lower the chances of infecting more individuals moving forward,” concluded Blue Avelino, Group COO of ROMLAS Health Group and Operations Head of LifeScience Center.


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