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Thursday, October 17, 2024

How Rep. Stella A. Quimbo builds a brighter future through policy

Influential leaders often result from a lively education and a genuine desire to serve. A well-rounded education equips them with critical thinking skills, the ability to analyze complex information, and a broad understanding of the world.

When coupled with a specific knowledge of economics, a leader gains the ability to understand the intricate forces that drive communities and nations. Finally, a passion for public service can push a leader to translate their expertise into action, to use their understanding of the world and economics and create positive change for the greater good. This combination is a recipe for a leader who can not only navigate the complexities of governance but also steer their community toward a brighter future.

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Fortunately, the Second Congressional District of Marikina City can find all these qualities in Rep. Stella A. Quimbo, their district representative in the House of Representatives for the 19th Congress.

Rep. Quimbo’s vibrant educational background, marked by her academic excellence, underscores her innate appreciation of knowledge and its power to shape the future. She graduated as Summa Cum Laude or University Valedictorian in the University of the Philippines School of Economics in 1991. Her pursuit of knowledge continued at UP, where she earned her MA and PhD in Economics in 1993 and 2000, respectively. Her academic journey culminated in 2019 with an MA in Economics for Competition Law from the Dickson Pool School of Law in King’s College London, where she also received the distinction of Best Dissertation.

Over the years, Rep. Quimbo contributed numerous studies on health economics, education, and poverty, among other research topics. She also held illustrious positions in various sectors, like Commissioner for the Philippine Competition Commission from 2016 to 2018 and Department Chair of UP’s School of Economics from 2012 to 2015. Yet her most challenging yet equally rewarding role to date was championing the voices of Marikina’s Second District in the House of Representatives.

She first joined other district representatives as public leaders in the 17th Congress, where she was Deputy Minority Leader, Editor-in-Chief of the Minority Report, and Co-chair of the Economic Stimulus Subcommittee. In the 18th Congress, she became a member of the Majority and Senior Vice Chair of the Committee on Appropriations, which leads the national budget process in the House of Representatives and offered critical insights as the House’s pre-eminent economist.

As for the 19th Congress, Rep. Quimbo is the Vice Chairperson of the Committees on Appropriations and Nuclear Energy while being a majority member for many others.

During her tenure, Rep. Quimbo has been a prolific author of legislation, with 301 bills to her name and 21 others co-authored. Notable among these is House Bill 491, designed to fortify Marikina’s economy by enhancing its footwear, leather goods, and tannery industries. Another significant policy is House Bill 497, which seeks to establish a health economics unit under the Department of Health.

Despite her active participation in the House of Representatives, Rep. Quimbo remains steadfast in her commitment to improve the lives of her constituents in Marikina. Through her various projects and programs, she demonstrates her unwavering dedication to prioritize her community’s health, education, and overall welfare.

For instance, her KliniQ on Wheels provides free executive check-ups for the everyday Marikenyo.  It is a roving clinic that goes from barangay to barangay, giving access to the many Marikenyos who do not have access to quality healthcare. During a check-up in KliniQ on Wheels, patients will receive a comprehensive medical checkup, complete with ECG, Ultrasound, X-ray, CBC, urinalysis, Cholesterol, Ureacid, FBS/RBS, Medical Consultation with a doctor, and free medicines or vitamins.

As for education, students receive a Graduation Assistance Program as a reward for graduating from different public schools in Marikina City. Each graduate receives a P2,000 cash gift to help them in preparing for their continued learning. Students who graduate with honors receive an additional P2,000.

There’s also the Marikina Young Leaders Award (MYLA), which started in 2023 and became a special recognition from the Office of Rep. Stella Quimbo for students who exhibited outstanding performance in leadership. This program measures academic ability, leadership ability, and socio-civic-orientedness. Close coordination with school faculty and administrators allows the selection of one student per school from the different public schools in Marikina City. Aside from receiving a cash gift of P10,000, each awardee is also entitled to be part of the Marikina Young Leaders network.

In the meantime, Rep. Quimbo expressed her concern and care for pregnant mothers in her community through the Momshiw Q Alaga Q (Momshie Ko, Alaga Ko) Program. It is an initiative to provide free maternity services within the Q Health Delivery Network, encompassing various health clinics in Marikina. This program offers comprehensive support to soon-to-be mothers, including free childbirth services, birthing classes, and a “buntis kit” (pregnancy kit) with essential items for expectant mothers. The initiative ensures pregnant women receive the necessary care and education, promoting safe and healthy pregnancies. By easing the financial burden and providing critical resources, Momshie Q Alaga Q supports the well-being of mothers and their newborns, fostering a healthier community.

Rep. Quimbo continues to be an inspiration who proves combining knowledge and passion can lead to excellent results. She uses her intellect to address issues within her community and the Philippines. The Marikina Second District representative also keeps an open mind and heart to listen to her constituents’ voices and guide them toward a brighter future through appropriate projects, programs, and policies.


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