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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Lines drawn on Marcos-Duterte

“Sara as education secretary is the President’s alter ego, and as alter ego should not be attending rallies where the President is attacked and verbally abused”

SANTA Banana, during the five times he visited China, on one occasion, then President Rodrigo Duterte had a so-called “gentlemen’s agreement” with China’s President Xi Jinping for the Philippines not to repair the rusty BRP Sierra Madre grounded at the Ayungin Shoal, which in effect compromised the territorial integrity and  sovereignty of the Philippines because Ayungin really is within Philippine waters at the West Philippine Sea!

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We can surmise that Duterte and Xi did not talk only about Ayungin. 

I am sure during those five times the former President went to China, Duterte and Xi must have talked not only about the weather.

How many times did they have a “gentlemen’s agreement?”

Ask any Chinese national about “gentlemen’s agreement,” and he will tell you that a handshake or a “gentlemen’s agreement”  is as good as a written contract.

No wonder, Santa Banana,  the Chinese Coast Guard and military vessels are committed to safeguarding Ayungin, all because of Duterte’s “gentlemen’s agreement” where Duterte told Xi the Philippines will not repair the BRP Sierra Madre vessel.

It’s for these reasons why there’s a need for us to know what else did Duterte and Xi agree upon.

As I said, when you talk to a Chinese national, especially to a high government official and a “gentlemen’s agreement”  is reached with a handshake, it’s as good as a written  agreement.

Thus, unless Duterte will tell us how many “gentlemen’s agreement” and handshakes were agreed upon, Sanata Banana,  all the continued bullying and aggression China has been doing at  the WPS will not stop!

I can believe Duterte must have compromised the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty to Xi because Duterte is prone to talk about things he does not like to do.

During his six-year war against illegal drugs, how many times did we  hear Duterte command the police to “kill, kill, kill” all those involved in illegal drugs that resulted in so many EJKs or extrajudicial killings?

I am not surprised that Duterte must have compromised the country in those five times he went to China.

I am not surprised that Duterte will not  admit that he  did anything to compromise the country .

Now Duterte wants to become a senator in 2025.

And I think he’ll make it.

And his daughter Sara also wants to become President.  Santa Banana, for how long can we suffer the Dutertes?

Thus, to end speculations about those ”gentlemen’s agreement” between Duterte and Xi, Marcos rescinded them all.

Lines are drawn

No wonder when Marcos was asked by reporters how was the UNI-TEAM doing with all the word war going  on between him and his predecessor, with Duterte calling him a “drug addict,” “a spoiled child” and even a “weak leader even before the 2022 poll,”  Marcos replied, “It’s complicated.”

With the  continued tirades of Duterte and Marcos going on, worsened by pro-Duterte rallies where the Duterte tirades against Marcos were repeated.

In  one rally attended by Sara Duterte, she was shown laughing and enjoying the tirades against Marcos, and seemed to be encouraging it. 

Now comes the First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos saying she has drawn the line.

Undoubtedly, the first lady was hurt when heard all the insults and she  made reference to her sons that when they were attacked, she was also hurt.

The Dutertes ran in 2022 under the same banner, and as such, the Dutertes should not be attacking the President, calling him names.

As a wife, the first lady was definitely hurt.

That’s why  she is drawing the line because calling Marcos Jr. a drug addict is clearly out of line.

Duterte, as I said, just talks and talks without realizing the implications.

Sara as education secretary is the President’s alter ego, and as alter ego should not be attending rallies where the President is attacked and verbally abused.

Otherwise, she should resign.

I repeat, Sara should resign at the rate the President is being attacked by pro-Duterte rallies.

Sara as we know has her eyes on the presidency in 2028.

And her father wants to run for senator.   

But, they should do it not at the expense of Marcos.

Good manners and good politics demand it.

As I said, should we suffer Duterte for long?


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