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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Shellfish in WPS are not China’s

Only through collective action and a commitment to diplomacy can we hope to preserve peace and harmony in this vital region

In the dark waters of diplomatic discord, China’s recent actions in the West Philippine Sea cast an ominous shadow, revealing a disturbing narrative of bullying that demands international scrutiny.

The incident involving the China Coast Guard harassing Filipino fishermen at Scarborough Shoal on Jan 12 is not just an isolated event; it’s a brazen display of China’s disregard for diplomacy and a blatant affront to the rule of law.

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The images captured by Filipino fisherman Jack Tabat tell a harrowing tale of intimidation on the high seas.

The China Coast Guard, armed not with reason but with sirens and force, violated the rights of Filipino fishermen gathering taktakun shells.

The scene unfolds like a sinister plot, with CCG personnel chasing down fishing vessels, ordering the return of hard-earned catches, and capturing the entire ordeal on camera.

This is not the conduct of a responsible global power but the reckless behavior of a bully on the international stage.

China’s argument that Scarborough Shoal falls under its jurisdiction doesn’t excuse the uncivilized tactics employed by the CCG.

The aggressive interference with the livelihoods of Filipino fishermen highlights China’s apparent disdain for peaceful resolutions and respect for international law.

The Scarborough Shoal, also known as Panatag Shoal or Bajo de Masinloc, is not a bargaining chip to be wielded for geopolitical gain; it’s a shared resource that demands cooperation and mutual understanding.

In the realm of diplomacy, China’s approach resembles a horror story rather than a dialogue between nations.

The Chinese government’s refusal to engage in meaningful discussions and reliance on force instead of diplomatic channels is a betrayal of the very principles that underpin peaceful coexistence among nations.

The callous disregard for the rights of Filipino fishermen at Scarborough Shoal underscores China’s commitment to bullying as a foreign policy tool.

It’s time for the Filipino people to unite against this oppressive behavior.

The resilience of a nation lies in the collective strength of its citizens.

The Philippines must stand firm in the face of China’s bullying tactics, refusing to be cowed by unwarranted aggression.

This is not just a struggle for the West Philippine Sea; it’s a battle for the dignity and rights of the Filipino people.

To preserve peace and harmony in the region, a unified front is essential.

The Filipino government must rally international support, calling on nations that value justice and diplomacy to condemn China’s actions.

The United Nations and other relevant international bodies should investigate this incident and hold China accountable for its blatant disregard of maritime norms.

Furthermore, regional alliances and partnerships must be strengthened to ensure that no single nation can trample on the rights of others with impunity. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) should play a pivotal role in mediating conflicts and fostering cooperation among member states. Diplomacy and dialogue should be the guiding principles, not coercion and bullying.

The recent episode at Scarborough Shoal is a chilling reminder of China’s ominous influence in the West Philippine Sea.

The Filipino people must stand united against this bullying, and the international community must not turn a blind eye to such flagrant violations of maritime norms.

Only through collective action and a commitment to diplomacy can we hope to preserve peace and harmony in this vital region.


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