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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

2024: Stuck No More

How to navigate being overwhelmed and getting stuck in life

While scrolling through my Instagram and TikTok feeds, I came across numerous content creators giving tips on how to make vision boards work, manifest dreams, and achieve goals. As someone who has spent years checking out these techniques too, I realized that the hardest part lies in knowing what a person wants. 

An illustration of a tree ending up becoming a toothpick because of a lack of vision, planning, and strategy created a powerful imprint in my head. I realized the importance of defining my goals first before I can work toward getting them with whatever resources I have.

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As the New Year unfolds, I find myself immersed in the timeless acts of intention setting and life planning. 

In 2023, a transformative guide from a Grow with Guri podcast episode on Spotify has added a new dimension to my approach. The episode presented a four-step reflection process that intrigued me, promising clarity to those seeking direction or simply yearning for change. Free templates and meditation guides are provided by the podcast host named Guri, who happens to be a meditation and mindset coach. 

Grab a pen and paper and practice some free-flow writing by answering the following questions he posed. 

As we usher in the year 2024, it’s important to know what we want to achieve this new year

Step 1: Where am I?

As Guri presented, the foundation of any journey lies in understanding our present. Inspired by the podcast, I questioned my current state—whether I was dwelling in the past, projecting into the future, or lost in my thoughts. This self-inquiry brought a profound awareness, grounding me in the present moment. It’s a crucial step, for without acknowledging where we are, navigating towards our desired destination becomes elusive.

Step 2: Where am I going?

The second step prompts us to envision our path forward. Often, we assume a single predetermined route, influenced by familial, societal, or external expectations. The podcast challenged this notion, emphasizing that we hold the pen to our destiny. Multiple paths may lead to the same destination, each with its unique challenges and delights. Acknowledging this opens up a realm of possibilities, making the journey more dynamic and authentic. 

Step 3: What would it take?

This question delves into the practicalities of our chosen path. What actions must we take? What steps lead to our envisioned destination? The podcast highlighted the importance of trusting our intuition and quieting the mind. By asking ourselves, “What would it take?” we unveil the next steps, even if they seem obscured by uncertainty. This process brings clarity, allowing us to trust our instincts and take that crucial first step toward our goals. 

Step 4: Take action NOW.

The final step is a call to immediate action. The podcast emphasized the urgency of translating reflections into tangible steps to take and crucial habits to develop, regardless of how small. Procrastination, fueled by self-doubt and lack of clarity, often hinders progress. By taking action now, even with a tiny step, we bring our full awareness to the journey. Knowing we are doing something toward what we aim for, no matter how small, also boosts our confidence along the way. It’s a commitment to follow the chosen path, regardless of the challenges that may arise.

In my own experience, this four-step reflection has been a guiding light through moments of confusion and exhaustion. I find comfort in the simplicity of asking these questions and committing to the actions that follow. This reflective process, borrowed from the podcast, has recently become my compass, offering direction when the path seems unclear.

Whether or not one believes in New Year’s resolutions, the questions provide a universal tool for anyone feeling stuck in a rut or simply yearning for change. Putting pen to paper and engaging in this introspective journey can unveil the clarity needed to navigate through life. As we enter 2024, let us maximize the power of self-reflection and get the best lives we envision.


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