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Thursday, October 17, 2024

SONA 2023 and the New Philippines

If BBM is serious about establishing a New Philippines, he must realize that it is more than just branding

In previous columns, I compared our expectations from SONA 2022 versus the reality we experienced under BBM’s leadership.

I also mentioned the new campaign they launched called “Bagong Pilipinas.”

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But what do we really need to make a New Philippines?

Based on the People’s Summit’s One-Year Assessment, here are things the Filipinos hope to hear during SONA 2023 for a genuine New Philippines

On the economy, we have been bearing the brunt of rapid inflation.

Rising prices must be addressed. This can also be aided by supporting the national minimum wage. Contractualization should also be ended as it impedes workers’ rights.

In agriculture, we have yet to see the revitalization of local agriculture. With this revitalization, we must prioritize food production over the importation of agricultural products.

If we want our economy to grow, the government must also promote local industrialization and support Filipino-owned industries. This will stimulate local job creation instead of promoting labor exportation.

On human rights, violations have continued under BBM. He has not ended Duterte’s drug war.

Extrajudicial killings outside of the drug war have also persisted; 53 were recorded in the counterinsurgency campaign since July 2022.

Political prisoners must be released; there are 775 as of June 2023. They must also surface the disappeared and provide support for the families. In BBM’s first year, there are already eight cases.

BBM should also resume peace talks with the NDFP and address the root of the armed conflict. Additionally, they should cease the militarization and bombing of communities.

Civil rights must be respected and upheld, together with academic freedom and gender equality. All of these can be addressed if we institute judicial reforms in relation to international and national human rights norms.

Lastly, the president must publicly apologize for the atrocities that his father and family committed during martial law.

On good governance, there must be transparency and accountability in the government.

There should be a zero-tolerance policy against corruption and unethical governance.

Effective public participation on budget processes are also necessary.

This ensures that the taxpayers’ money is going to the correct place.

In the past year, the huge amount of confidential and intelligence funds (CIF) of the President and the CIF for the Vice President were opposed but were approved anyway.

These violate the principles of accountability and transparency.

On media and freedom of expression, in the past year, BBM’s administration has evidently attempted to suppress press freedom and our freedom of expression.

Critics and journalists have continuously been red-tagged. According to the 2022 Global Impunity Index, the Philippines is the seventh most dangerous country for journalists.

Attempts to curtail press freedom and freedom of expression must be junked if we want truth to prosper in the New Philippines.

On foreign policy, BBM must make a firm stance on our national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We must not let other troops use our land for military exercises such as the Balikatan joint exercises.

We must also assert the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration under the UN Convention on the Laws of the Sea or UNCLOS regarding the West Philippine Sea.

We must also fight for our national resources.

We are not benefiting from our resources as they are either for export or extracted directly by foreign companies.

The renewed push for foreign investments have caused the encroachment of our lands, including ancestral lands, and their diverse ecosystems.

On social services, there are 4.5 million Filipinos who are homeless and 3.8 million who live in informal settlements.

The backlog in housing has ballooned to 6.6 million which must be addressed.

Instead, they deducted P2.7 billion in the budget for housing. With this, the budget for ayuda has gotten smaller. From P233 billion in 2020, it is down to P510 million in 2023.

According to the health sector, malnutrition and hunger are persistent.

Fifty percent of our population continue to suffer from the lack of access to a primary care facility within 30 minutes.

We also lack doctors and nurses causing our healthcare workers to be overworked and underpaid.

Lastly, the education sector is suffering through the consequences of two years of remote learning.

The education budget is only 3.5 percent of the GDP which is far from the recommended 6 percent by the UN.

While the schools have opened, there is a lack of preparation.

There are not enough teachers, facilities, or learning materials. Like healthcare workers, the teachers continue to be overworked and underpaid.

If BBM is serious about establishing a New Philippines, he must realize that it is more than just branding.

There are many things that need to be done aside from a new logo.

Addressing what we discussed in his second SONA would be a good place to start.


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