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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Caught in the crossfire

“The story of a brilliant and successful lady executive caught in the crossfire of a family feud is definitely worth watching, episode by episode”

We can only commiserate with the lady executive who is serving as consultant and interpreter of a low-key businessman who, in turn, is highly esteemed by his peers in the local Chinese community.

The lady executive is now the object of the outpouring of sympathy from members of the said community as she is embroiled in a legal battle initiated by the family of her principal.

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It appears she is facing charges of concubinage filed by the family before the prosecutor’s office in a city in Metro Manila. She has appealed the resolution by the prosecutor before the Department of Justice recently.

That resolution has supposedly fueled a further outpouring of sympathy for the lady executive.

The local Chinese business community is abuzz with talk that the resolution is allegedly “one for the books,” quoting the lady executive’s petition for review before the DOJ.

It appears the prosecutor came out with the resolution finding “probable cause” to charge the lady executive and her co-accused within record time: 11 days.

We can understand the outpouring of sympathy.

Based on what we gathered from parties-in-the-know in the local Chinese community, the lady executive must have been merely caught in the crossfire.

She should learn important lessons here.

Lesson one: physical proximity can be mistaken for intimacy. The parties-in-the-know say the lady executive has to spend time at the home of her principal since that is where the latter holds office most of the time.

Interestingly, it is not just the lady executive who has to be present at the principal’s house for extended periods of time.

It appears all of her principal’s immediate staff have to do the same because of the limitations in mobility on his part.

Our sources say it is during one of those working sessions at the house of her principal that she was allegedly accosted by members of her principal’s family.

While we are in no position to determine the veracity of the allegation, we can only point to another lesson that must be learned here.

If the allegation is true that physical harm was inflicted on the lady executive, then she must now understand that jealousy is a dangerous emotion.

The lady executive has already filed the appropriate charges in the aftermath of the alleged incident.

There are also allegations made by the family of the lady executive’s principal that she has been lavished with costly gifts including a house and post-graduate study at a prestigious university somewhere in Europe.

She was apparently quick to belie the allegations, asserting the said “gifts” were paid for by her and drawn from her own family’s savings.

Again, here, she draws a lot of sympathy since she is known in the business and professional circles where she moves around as really being well-educated with international certifications attesting to her specializations.

She is also an established businesswoman who can speak several languages.

So, there is another lesson to learn here: one’s credentials do not make one immune from being an object of jealousy.

In fact, they could merely serve as fuel that fans the flames of this powerful emotion.

The lady executive should expect her principal’s family to move heaven and earth in order to “make her pay.”

As to the lady executive’s lamentation that the prosecutor was in a hurry to find probable cause for charges to be filed against her and her principal, the matter is now in the hands of the Department of Justice.

The justice department may or may not reverse the prosecutor’s finding of probable cause.

Regardless, it would be good for the lady executive and her principal to simply welcome the filing of charges against them so they can have a better venue to prove that the allegations against them are baseless, and that is the proper court of law.

The alleged “haste” with which the resolution finding probable cause has put the prosecutor’s office on the radar screen.

Legal observers as well as the local Chinese community are reportedly “closely watching” developments in the lady executive’s case to find out whether or not they will get a fair hearing, given the way the prosecutor’s office had allegedly handled the case.

We agree that coming up with a resolution within 11 days could possibly look “hasty,” given that our justice system is not known for efficiency.

However, we caution the public and parties concerned not to succumb to a similar temptation to be hasty in forming their own conclusion.

It is possible that the case fell in the hands of an exceptionally efficient prosecutor.

He or she must be given the benefit of the doubt. The final verdict on the matter of “haste” should be left to the justice department.

Meanwhile, we can only expect that the public’s interest in the saga of the lady executive will continue to grow.

We love telenovelas, particularly those that are played out in the arena of real life.

The story of a brilliant and successful lady executive caught in the crossfire of a family feud is definitely worth watching, episode by episode.

We hope that, aside from the drama, the public would also focus on how the wheels of justice will grind in this particular case.

The quality with which justice is dispensed is something that we all have a valid interest in.

(Email: [email protected])


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