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Mom entrepreneurs share success stories on digital platform

The future of Philippine entrepreneurship is female and digital. PLDT Home harnesses the power of the country’s fastest broadband internet provider by supporting Madiskarte Moms PH (MMPH), an online community of “mompreneurs” who want to build and grow their own online business while taking care of their family’s needs at home. 

 At present, there are 153,000 community members who regularly share ideas and knowledge, and offer each other advice, encouragement, and inspiration. The group has helped many of its members grow their side hustles into booming online home businesses that have allowed them to support and build dreams for their families. 

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Madiskarte Moms PH (MMPH) is an online community of “mompreneurs” who want to build and grow their own online business while taking care of their family’s needs

The group became not only a go-to space for digital business tools, basic and necessary knowledge and skills training, and networking opportunities, but it also became an emotional and mental support system. MMPH believes in the importance of giving recognition to the passion and resilience that the members have shown all throughout their entrepreneurial journey, especially during the pandemic. 

Hence, MMPH launched the Gawad Madiskarte Awards in 2022 to highlight and celebrate the most outstanding mompreneurs in the community. The winners were rewarded with more of the support that they need to expand their businesses further and their stories serve as an inspiration to mompreneurs who are working hard to reach their own dreams of success.

Mompreneurs who inspire

For mompreneur and Diskarteng Solid Award winner Abigail Madrigal, support from many people is always crucial when trying to get a business off the ground. She sold high-quality bedsheets on online selling platforms while balancing a full-time job and raising a toddler during the pandemic. 

“I started this business with the capital of P10,000 – equivalent to 50 yards of fabric in five designs that were sewn by my Nanay. Now, we have the house next to ours as a production area, with rolls and thousand yards of fabrics in almost 100+ designs,” she shared. 

“MMPH gave me the important backing that I needed when I was starting. This platform landed me several clients and the word-from-mouth created from these transactions started the growth and reputation of my store, Mommy Matters. The posts that I read in the group also inspired me to work better on my venture,” Abigail said.

Kaylynn Adolfo of The Asian Mommy is a Diskarteng Eco-Friendly winner for her line of locally-made reusable cloth diapers. Her business follows her staunch zero-waste advocacy, exemplified by reusable diapers and environmentally friendly packaging.  

Kaylynn learned that the network of like-minded people you meet can also be your biggest supporters and customers. “Through the Madiskarte Moms community, I have met moms that are now my suppliers,” she said. “I have also taken advice from other moms that have helped my brand flourish. The group has also helped me find customers multiple times.”  

Protecting the environment is likewise the advocacy of Rosanna Dela Cruz Kabiling of Something Nice Environmental Corp., a winner of the Diskarteng May Puso award, whose biggest lesson was that committing to a good cause can bring you success. 

Her business deals with the proper transport, treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste; and reducing, reusing, and recycling scrap material for local and multinational companies. She values the supportive network that she has built with MMPH. 

“I am happy to see a lot of mommies today who are open-minded enough to start their own business and who are fulfilling their dreams. The group helps me to realize how blessed I am,”  Rosanna said.

Madiskarte Mom Theresa Carbonell Buenaflor of Ellana Mineral Cosmetics was chosen for the Diskarteng Digital award, for using social media platforms to reach her customer base with her skincare, body care, and makeup products. Her inspiring insight is that one should always use technology and digital trends for better chances of success.

 “MMPH helped us believe that there are still good people out there who support our brand, especially during the challenges of the pandemic,” Theresa said. “I’m grateful for the support and reception of this group because it helped me believe that there are still good people out there who can support each other in these tough times.”

 Lou Neri Putian was the 2022 Diskarteng Home Biz winner.  She has emerged successful with her Sy Glow cosmetics and skincare products that are available through direct sales. She was able to thrive and properly manage her home business despite being a full-time mom raising her three kids, proving that with some diskarte and the right motivation, it is never impossible for moms to balance a business and being a mother.

“I was inspired by the other Madiskarte Moms of the group in growing my business, which I juggled together with taking care of my kids at home,” she says.  

PLDT Home aims to support the online community further and help empower more women to achieve business success. 

PLDT Home is set to hold the second Gawad Madiskarte Awards in May 2023 to recognize the Madiskarteng Pinays who have shown excellence in growing their online home businesses and positive attitude in helping and inspiring other fellow mompreneurs. To know more about this year’s Gawad Madiskarte Awards, join the Madiskarte Moms PH online community here: 


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