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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Faith as a decision and relationship

“In addition to cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus, Christians are called to share that relationship with others”

The importance of personal relationships with Jesus and discernment in the Christian life cannot be overstated.

These are essential elements that ensure that we remain in alignment with God’s will for our lives and fulfill our mission as witnesses of the Gospel.

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The Catholic tradition has often emphasized a doctrinal or sacramental relationship with Christ, which can sometimes overshadow the importance of a personal relationship.

In relation to this, papal preacher Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap., delivered his second Lenten homily which serves as a powerful reminder that faith must be primarily understood as a personal decision and a personal relationship with Jesus.

It is not something that can be simply absorbed as children within a family or school setting.

Moreover, Cantalamessa highlights the critical role that laypeople play in the Church’s evangelizing mission. Laypeople are best positioned to share their personal experiences of Christ with others in their daily lives.

By doing so, they can help others develop a personal relationship with Jesus and discern His will for their lives.

In one of his homilies, Pope Francis talked about nurturing a personal relationship with Christ.

According to the Holy Father, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ means that we are not simply called to believe in him, but to enter into a living and dynamic relationship with him, one that transforms our lives and shapes our very being.

To have a personal relationship with Jesus is to know him as a friend, to love him as a brother, and to follow him as a Lord.

It means opening our hearts to him, and allowing him to enter into the deepest parts of our lives.

It means spending time with him in prayer, reading his Word, and participating in the sacraments of the Church, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation.

Through this relationship, we come to understand that Jesus is not just a historical figure, but a living and present reality in our lives.

He is the one who guides us, sustains us, and gives us the strength to persevere in faith. He is the one who fills us with hope and joy, even in the midst of trials and difficulties.

This vision for the Church is in line with Pope Francis’ call for a “missionary transformation” that recognizes the unique role that laypeople can play in spreading the Gospel.

The pope has emphasized that every Christian is called to be a witness of the Gospel, and this includes laypeople.

To cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus and discern His will for our lives, we must engage in regular prayer and reflection.

We must also seek to deepen our knowledge of God’s word and His teachings.

By doing so, we become better equipped to recognize God’s voice and discern His will for our lives.

Following Jesus is not just about adhering to a set of rules or doctrines.

While doctrine and theology are important, they are not the ultimate goal of the Christian life. Instead, the goal is to cultivate a deep and personal relationship with Jesus, one in which believers are transformed by His love and empowered to share that love with others.

Through prayer, Bible study, and worship, Christians can develop a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done for them.

As they grow in their relationship with Him, they are transformed into His image, becoming more loving, kind, and compassionate.

This transformation is not something that believers can achieve on their own, but it is made possible through the work of the Holy Spirit.

In addition to cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus, Christians are called to share that relationship with others.

This can be done through evangelism, discipleship, and serving others in Jesus’ name. As believers share the love and message of Jesus with those around them, they participate in His mission to seek and save the lost.

Ultimately, the Christian life is not just about following rules and doctrines.

It is about cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus and sharing that relationship with others.

By doing so, we can better understand God’s will for our lives and fulfill our mission as witnesses of the Gospel.

Cantalamessa’s homily is a powerful reminder of the essential elements of the Christian life: personal relationships with Jesus and discernment.

Laypeople have a critical role to play in spreading the Gospel and helping others develop a personal relationship with Jesus.

By engaging in regular prayer and reflection, seeking to deepen our knowledge of God’s word, and sharing our personal experiences of Christ with others, we can better understand God’s will for our lives and fulfill our mission as witnesses of the Gospel.

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