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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Animals and the Christian Faith

God created animals, according to the Bible, just like humans. Animals are not the result of chance encounters or unanticipated natural processes. God allegedly created all animals, including creeping insects and land animals, according to Genesis 1:24–25. We even learn from the Bible that they contain the breath of life (Gen. 7:15).

It is un-Christian to kill entire populations and species of wildlife. Respect life, the Bible says. (Photo from “76,786+ Best Free Animals Stock Photos & Images 100% Royalty-Free HD Downloads)

We humans are exceptional in relation to all of creation because we were made in God’s image, but it does not imply God does not love or enjoy the other parts of creation as much as we do.

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Regarding potential support for the idea of animal rights, the Bible provides a confusing range of answers. In the Book of Genesis’ genesis story, this is illustrated. On the one hand, Genesis 1:26–30 asserts that because they are fashioned in God’s likeness, people are to rule over other animals. This has been employed by various Christian theologians throughout the history of the Church to support the notion that non-human animals exist solely to serve or be useful to people, which has tragically resulted in significant usage and abuse of animals at the hands of humanity.

Plant-based diet

But in recent years, Christian theologians have argued that a more accurate interpretation of Genesis 1:26-28 and 1:29-30 shows that God originally foreordained a plant-based diet for all land-based non-human animals, not just humans:

God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

As a result, it becomes clear that whatever “dominion” entails, it must be consistent with the notion of not eating any animals. This implies that the word “dominion” should be taken to mean “watching after,” “governing over,” “being accountable for,” or “leading.” In fact, several English Bible translations substitute these meanings for the more archaic word “dominion.” (Wikipedia, Christianity and Animal Rights)

God deemed the creation of animals “excellent” when they were first made (Gen. 1:25). When the creation story in Genesis 1 came to an end, God surveyed “everything he had made” and pronounced it “very good” (v. 31). When viewed as a whole, not just in terms of humanity, creation was “extremely excellent.” Humans are the pinnacle of God’s creative work, and as bearers of his image, we have a connection to the divine that no other part of creation does. However, we shouldn’t let that fact overshadow our admiration for the rest of creation or lessen our duties to it.

Treat animals well

Overworking animals is prohibited under the Mosaic Law found in the Hebrew Scriptures, and it mandates that humans assist stray and lost animals. Many of the injunctions are expressly stated to benefit the creatures rather than the owners.

There are many passages that present a positive view of animals and imply that humanity’s attitude towards them should be one of caring responsibility.

Both friends’ and enemies’ animals must be helped, according to the Law, even though there is no compulsion to do so. Exodus 23:4–12, commands the Israelites to take care of any cattle and donkey they come across that belong to their enemies.

God’s love for animals

God loves animals. Let the Lord be glad in his handiwork is the psalmist’s declaration in Psalm 104:31, but it is followed by a lengthy description of God’s connection with animals, including wild goats, rock badgers, forest beasts, juvenile lions, and animals of all sizes (see vv. 18-30). The same word translated as “happy” was used by the psalmist to describe his personal gladness in God in a few additional verses. He declared with emphasis, “I shall rejoice in the Lord” (Ps. 104:34).

When we think about the delight we experience from raising our own children, it is easy to understand how God enjoys seeing animals. Even creatures that we have no creative connection with make for entertaining viewing. It makes sense that the one who made everything would love it given those circumstances.

Factory farms with appalling conditions where sheep are “bred” should be closed. (Photo taken from “Sheep Stock Photo-iStock”)

According to Proverbs 12:10, “A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.” This significant verse implies a Biblical categorization of people into two distinct types: those who are “righteous” and “just” and are kind to their animals, and those who are “wicked” and are cruel to creatures under their care.

Animals teach us about the justice of God. This lesson is provided through Israel’s requirement of substitutionary atonement in the Bible. Scripture declares that defiance of God constitutes sin. In reaction to this rebellion, God’s righteousness requires a punishment. In other words, God demands justice. Human sin requires an appropriate replacement or the guilty party to take responsibility. To assist His people to comprehend this truth, God instituted the Israelite sacrificial system. In order to fulfil the requirements of His divine justice, He ordered that this mechanism regularly slaughter innocent animals (Lev. 16:1-34). The consequences of human wickedness would fall upon defenceless animals. This terrible spectacle was a sign of things to come, when the blameless Son of God would offer Himself as the real, lasting, substitutionary sacrifice for all of humanity’s sin (Rom. 3:21-26; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 10:1-18).

Stop animal sacrifice

The teachings and spread of Christianity put a stop to animal sacrifice because, in the eyes of Christians, Jesus—who is frequently represented in the New Testament as the final sacrificial lamb—died for all human sins.

We are taught to treat animals with care and respect by the Bible and the Jewish-Christian tradition. Any person of faith and morality cannot defend the tremendous torture and suffering that are legally inflicted on billions of animals every year since it is a clear breach of the precepts of our religious beliefs.

No to animal cruelty

Christian principles are violated by modern animal agriculture. It decimates entire populations and species of wildlife, imprisons massive numbers of animals in appalling conditions in factory farms, destroys the environment, wastes limited resources, and jeopardizes human health.

The suffering and destruction of animals brought on by modern society—clear violations of the spirit and text of the Biblical laws—could hardly have been predicted by the Bible’s scribes.

It is humane to provide better conditions for animals in farms. (Photo taken from “2,140 3 Cows Stock Photos, Pictures and Royalty-Free images-iStock”

Fortunately, the concepts of the Bible may hold the answers to many of these issues. If followed, these teachings, which encourage respect for the planet and all of its inhabitants, might avert many environmental concerns and guarantee the survival of humanity.


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