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Monday, October 14, 2024

Protesting against China

"The unrest is growing."


Last April 24, President Rodrigo Duterte flew to China for the fourth time since he assumed office in 2016. He will be there for the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation until April 27 upon the invitation of President Xi Jinping. The Philippine President is also expected to meet with the Chinese president to discuss issues in relation with the West Philippine Sea.

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Duterte left the country after an intensity 6.2 earthquake struck Luzon and a stronger one, 6.5 hit the Visayas. After he left, a series of quakes hit Davao Oriental, Davao Occidental, and the latest, the Ilocos region. At least sixteen (16) people were killed because of the quakes. The Clark Airport was damaged and operations had to be halted for a few days. A supermarket in Pampanga collapsed, roads, and public and private properties were damaged.

To some people, this should be enough reason for the President to prioritize the country and not leave for China, or even cut short his visit. They note that the Head of State should be in the country leading efforts to calm a jittery populace and address the needs of those affected by the quakes. They think that the President should be visible to the people in times like this one. After all, he has visited China more than any other country.

To be fair to Duterte, there are government instrumentalities tasked to do things to mitigate the effects of earthquakes and other calamities. People’s criticisms are really out of the perception that the Philippine President has (again) prioritized his relationship with China over the needs of Filipinos. Increasingly, this has been a cause for concern for a growing number of Filipinos. People do not feel that this administration, especially, the President is serving the interest of the country and the people he is mandated to serve.

Lately, more and more people have been grumbling about the Chinese in the country. This is the first time that this has happened. We have a vibrant Chinese-Filipino community in the country and this has never been a cause of complaints. Filipinos and Chinese have learned to peacefully co-exist and many of the latter has become Filipino citizens, and started calling themselves “Chinoys”. They live and work, many do business in the country and Filipinos have accepted them and have had no major problems with them.

In the last decade or so, we have seen an increased influx of Japanese tourists which also gave way to the establishment of small businesses catering to Japanese clients, particularly restaurants in the country. More recently, more and more Koreans have visited and studied here. Now, we see Korean restaurants and groceries in our communities. Still, there have been no substantial complaints from Filipinos.

Clearly, Filipinos are generally accepting of foreigners, including the Chinese.

Things have changed, however, in relation with how Filipinos are reacting to the Chinese. We hear grumblings, criticisms,and complaints, big and small targeted at Chinese nationals.

Recently, moviegoers complained about finding Chinese subtitles in movies. Netizens have been posting critical comments when they see Chinese signages in establishments and streets. Filipinos have called-out restaurants for Chinese-only clients.

The government has been criticized because of the influx of mainland-Chinese tourists especially in Boracay. It has earlier said that there will be limits in tourists that will be allowed in the place after it was supposed to have been cleaned up. The big numbers of Chinese workers even in the construction sector have been severely criticized as favoring them over Filipinos who need employment.

There are those who accuse Filipinos of being racist and xenophobic because of all these. I believe that this is untrue. For the longest time, our people have been very accepting of foreigners in our land. We have always considered them as guests and friends and we put our best foot forward to be hospitable to our visitors, including those from China.

How people react to mainland-Chinese now are but manifestations of the people’s disgust over China’s creeping dominance of the Philippines and this administration’s subservience to China. This is about our territories being occupied by China, and our natural resources being harvested and DESTROYED. This is about the protection of Philippine sovereignty against Chinese invasion. This is the issue. 

The criticisms against Duterte making his fourth trip to China when the Philippines is hit by several earthquakes is not because of the trip per se but because of the anger at this administration’s inability and/or outright refusal to protect and assert the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

People are angry because this government continues to act like our country is a province of China. People are protesting in whatever ‘small’ ways they can. How Filipinos are reacting now is borne out of patriotism because our country and our people are being abused by the Chinese government; and our government, led by the President, is allowing this.

People are angry because the country has won its case against China, yet, this government acts like there is nothing that can be done to protect the country, the Filipinos, and our natural resources.

If Duterte continues to serve like a Chinese agent to the Philippines, and if China does not stop this creeping invasion of our country, Filipinos will not stop being critical. One can expect that protests will be bigger. More and more former Duterte supporters are waking up to the harsh reality that he has failed to deliver on his campaign promises. Repeatedly, he himself has made pronouncements of his failures. Many are realizing that Duterte has failed the DDS and the country and dissatisfaction is manifested in different ways.

Unrest against Duterte is growing, and protest against China will grow bigger.

@bethangsioco on Twitter Elizabeth Angsioco on Facebook


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