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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Speech of Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen

(Continued from Thursday)

We are making these investments not because we pursue confrontation. Quite the opposite. Our intention is to uphold the spirit of the Taiwan Relations Act, and provide for lasting peace across the Taiwan Strait. But we can’t do this when we don’t have the ability to deter coercion and aggression.

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Our diplomats across the region are also working hand in hand to promote our shared values and interests, and push back against the growing tide of authoritarianism around the world. We know the dangers of authoritarianism too well. It is an ideology that is fundamentally at odds with freedom, and the people’s right to choose.

As the TRA states: “Peace and stability in the area are in the political, security, and economic interests of the United States, and are matters of international concern.”

Last month, Taiwan and the United States announced the launch of the Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Dialogue, which will be a platform for us to pursue joint projects advancing good governance and human rights among like-minded countries.

We are also cooperating to advance religious freedom in the region. Last month, Taiwan and the US co-hosted a Dialogue on Securing Religious Freedom in the Indo-Pacific Region, to make a stand, as religious freedom is being threatened around the world. We want to safeguard the religious freedom of all peoples, because no one deserves to be punished or “reeducated” for his or her own faith. 

The Global Cooperation Training Framework is another shining example of our joint work on pressing global issues. We have not only tripled the budget for this program, but we are engaging on more issues than ever before, ranging from women’s empowerment to media literacy. And recently, we have welcomed the inclusion of Japan, making this truly a framework for regional partners to promote our shared values and interests.

We also want to push back against the notion that our values can—or should—be dictated by economic carrots and sticks, particularly by authoritarian governments.

So we are stepping up our work with the United States Overseas Private Investment Corporation to find opportunities to jointly invest here in the region, and across our diplomatic allies. Our engagement dates back to 1952, and an entire article in the TRA is dedicated to this relationship. 

But today, we have gone from a net recipient of aid to a high-tech powerhouse. And we have the capability and expertise to work with the United States to support the economic development of our friends and partners.

All of this is taking place at a time our international space is under unprecedented challenge.

China has engaged in a relentless campaign to deny our right to participate in international affairs. They don’t do this because it is a DPP administration, or because we don’t recognize the 1992 consensus. They do it, because they genuinely believe that the people of Taiwan don’t have an independent right to participate in global affairs.

That is troubling and destabilizing for the healthy development of cross-strait relations.

So we are grateful that the United States and other like-minded countries have continued to support us in our international endeavors. 

We have seen all that the United States has done to help maintain our diplomatic alliances and counter China’s influence there. And following our biannual international organization consultations, we have seen a coalition of like-minded countries gradually emerge to continuously support Taiwan’s participation in UN-specialized agencies, and make sure that Taiwan’s contributions can be appreciated by the international community.

Economic relations are another area where we have seen great progress since the passage of the TRA. Today, Taiwan, a country of 23-million people, is the United States’ 11th largest trading partner. It’s a complementary relationship, not a competitive one. 

And trade has continued to increase significantly. 

Our global enterprises are investing in and procuring from the United States at a rate that few people in the time of the passage of the TRA could have imagined. And vice versa, as major US technology giants, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM expand their presence in Taiwan over the past year.

Despite these positive developments, we see potential to do more. Which is why I have made clear our intention to engage in a bilateral trade agreement with the United States. 

We have the potential to work together in crafting an agreement that is based on our values and ideals, which can be used as a model for the rest of the Indo-Pacific region.

The Taiwan Relations Act envisioned a relationship in which our shared interests could be protected. And it provided a framework where one day we could defend our shared values. In today’s world of increasing complexity and challenge, this has been more necessary than ever before.

One thing that we learned from the previous century, is that the forward march of democracy is not a given. 

Even as we speak, forces working against freedom and democracy are becoming more active around the world. For while we measure progress in terms of freedom and individual liberty, the metrics they use are fear and control, both at home and abroad.

In fact, less than two weeks ago, China’s PLA sent two fighter jets across the median line of the Taiwan Strait, breaking a tacit agreement that has served the interests of peace and stability over the past two decades. 

US National Security Adviser John Bolton tweeted: “Chinese military provocations won’t win any hearts or minds in Taiwan, but they will strengthen the resolve of people everywhere who value democracy. The Taiwan Relations Act and our commitment are clear.”

We could not agree more. 

Given the traditional and non-traditional challenges facing us today, the need for a collective response has never been clearer. And Taiwan is ready, willing, and able to do our part to achieve our shared vision. 

So on the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, we must be willing to work harder to ensure that the people of Taiwan can continue to live free from fear, and coercion for their belief in democracy. 

The TRA drafters began their work 40 years ago. But their work remains unfinished. Their vision will only be fully achieved when our region becomes free, open, and democratic.

Taiwan is not just a recipient of this. We are a partner in this.

At this critical moment, it is more important than ever to ensure that the letter and spirit of the TRA prevail, and that the values we share continue to shape the future of our region.

Even though I am not in Washington DC with you all, our shared vision has made our two countries feel closer than ever before. 

And together, with your support, we will continue to remind the world that Taiwan is an irreplaceable force for good in the world.


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