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Saturday, October 12, 2024

No-bail case vs Marilao bet sought

Concerned citizens of Marilao, Bulacan have asked the police that detained Andre Santos be charged with “illegal possession of explosives” after he was arrested in a 20-hour standoff in December last year.

Santos, a mayoralty candidate, was currently detained at the provincial jail in Malolos City for illegal possession of explosive and illegal possession of firearm.

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Santos was arrested on December 7, 2018 for a 10-million qualified theft case filed against him by the son of a gaming consultant, his brother-in-law, and a casino partner in Parañaque City.

Following a 20-hour standoff since the night of December 6, the cops finally  collared Santos at around 4 pm the next day. Two guns and a grenade were recovered from him.

The qualified theft complaint against Santos was filed by the son of gaming consultant Charlie Atong Ang, his brother-in-law, and a casino partner in Parañaque City.

The warrant of arrest against Santos was issued by Judge Aida Estrella Macapagal Fojas of Paranaque Regional Trial Court Branch 195.

Santos filed his candidacy for the 2019 mayoralty race on October 16, 2018, two months before his arrest. Santos lost in the 2016 elections.


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