29.1 C
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Indoor air 10X worse than outdoor air

Indoor air is ten times worse than outdoor air, according to Green Magazine, circulated in the United States and Canada, written by Helkie Ferrie.

The report headlined Stop Cooking With Gas, cited a research by the U.S. based Environmental Protection Agency, which showed one cause of indoor toxicity is the profane and natural appliances which produce carbon monoxide as well as nitrogen dioxide, a reddish brown gas with acrid odor.

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In the 1950s, the report said, a remarkable doctor, Theron Randolph, noted women using  gas ranges developed complex symptoms and illnesses. He also noted the prevalence of depression, circulatory problems, memory loss – all of which became normal when exposure to gas fuel stopped.

The research said conclusively that nitrogen dioxide inhibits the respiration by attacking the mucous membrane of the lungs, decrease brain activity by interfering with the transport of oxygen, causes oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids to form highly activated free radicals and forms nitrosamine, a patent carcinogen.

People at risk are children, old folks, and those with cardiovascular activity, asthma patients.

Nitrogen also causes not only short-term distress but also structural damage to the brain. 


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