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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Information campaign

A survey revealed that a majority of Filipinos are not in favor of changing the charter and shifting to a federal form of government. Because of this, the Palace realized—belatedly—that an information campaign should be launched so that the people would know more about the issue.

The disapproval could stem from two things: The inability to separate the issue at hand from the personalities who are endorsing it, and ignorance of the facts.

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Resistance to change is a natural reaction, especially since Charter change has been historically associated with politicians’ attempts at perpetuating themselves in power.

But now that the draft constitution has been submitted by the committee tasked to make it, the conversation should shift from who want the Charter changed and how they want to do it to the more substantial what in the present Constitution needs to be changed and why.

Filipinos need to transcend their biases against personalities and the process itself, and look into exactly what the new system is proposing to change. Only through this would they be able to gauge whether an envisioned future arrangement would do a better job at improving their lives.

In this regard, the choice of who will be tasked to present the facts, answer questions and explain the complex topics is crucial. It must be one who is knowledgeable about the provisions, privy to the debates and arguments, and who could clarify, not muddle, people’s understanding.

That person must have a respect for accuracy and should be open to questions, even differing opinions.

Finally, that person should be objective, level-headed and not given to generalizations or exaggeration, sticking only to facts and sound arguments.

The stakes are just too high, because what is being discussed will define Filipinos’ way of life. The administration cannot risk muddling, trivializing and oversimplifying its all-important message.


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