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Saturday, October 12, 2024

State lawyers take up cudgels for 3 colleagues

MEMBERS of the State Prosecutors and Prosecution Attorneys Association Inc. on Monday defended their colleagues who came under fire for dismissing the drug charges against businessman Peter Lim,  elf-confessed drug lord Kerwin Espinosa and several others.

In a statement read by group president and State Prosecutor Jolly de Claro-Mendoza during the flag ceremony at the Department of Justice, the organization branded as “reckless and malicious” the call of the Presidential Anti-Crime Commission for President Duterte to file administrative charges against Assistant State Prosecutor Michael John Humarang, OIC-Senior Deputy State Prosecutor Rassendel Rex Gingoyon, Acting Prosecutor General Jorge Catalan and the conduct of a lifestyle check on former Assistant State Prosecutor and now Lucena Regional Trial Court Judge Aristotle Reyes.

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“As Prosecutors, we are bound to decide each case based on the evidence presented before us. We can neither take popular opinion nor public outcry as ground for filing a case or dismissing a complaint,” the SPPAAI said.

“Evidence submitted is the essential consideration that all prosecutors weigh in every case that we resolve. Thus, the classic image of Lady Justice with a blindfold, a balance, and a sword: the evidence tilts the scales as she remains unbiased in rendering a decision, regardless of public opinion.”

The fiscals threw their support behind the action of their beleaguered colleagues in resolving the controversial drug case.

“We espouse their resolve and stand by them as a testament to upholding the rule of law and in truly prosecuting crimes without fear or favor,” the prosecutors said.

Humarang and Aristotle Reyes earlier said the PACC’s recommendation was premature considering that their resolution was still subject to review by the Office of the Justice Secretary.

“We’re just doing our sworn duty and we are ready to face the allegations against us,” Humarang and Reyes said.

According to the two prosecutors, they followed the law and the rules when they conducted the preliminary investigation.

“We conducted the preliminary investigation in accordance with the applicable rules, and our resolution was based only on the evidence presented to us,” they said.

Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre has also apologized for ordering the National Bureau of Investigation to investigate them.

However, Aguirre said an investigation was necessary in order to clear their names.


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