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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Misplaced loyalty

For whatever differences exist in the political platform between the administration and that amalgam of political dregs denominated as yellow opposition, they should realize that there are rules of limitation to their course of action on certain issues. For them to cross the red line is to divest themselves of the privilege of a legitimate opposition. It is their observance of this unwritten rule that delineates them from being classified as enemies of the states.

As legitimate opposition, they are obligated to subordinate their issues and course of action against the government to that of fiscalizers. Although their role is to check what the government is doing, they have to abide by that rule they themselves adhere to and believe in as part of our democratic process.

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What is disturbing is the comment made by Magdalo party-representative Gary Alejano that President Duterte cannot get away with the complaint filed against him before the International Criminal Court just because he has decided to withdraw from what otherwise is known as the Statute of Rome. One must not forget that this quisling of a fellow mutineer who together with Senator Antonio Trillanes IV filed a supplement in support of a lawyer with a shaded character in April 2017 accusing the President of human rights violation for his decision to impose martial law in Mindanao and for the alleged killings of drug suspects.

It is evident that the statement made by these disgraceful graduates from the country’s premier military academy indicate that they could no longer delineate their role as opposition sustained at that by their use of public funds to keep his venomous attacks against the administration. These erstwhile soldiers should know that as legitimate opposition, the issues they can bring against the government should revolve within the parameter of what is considered internal to this country. When they tried to bring in their case of a third and external party to conduct preliminary investigation preparatory to the possible filing of charges against our duly elected President, these political skunks automatically divested themselves of their right to speak as legitimate opposition free to exercise their freedom of speech as citizens of this country.

This political equation is simple to understand; that the Philippines through our President can make a stand to withdraw our membership from the ICC. Aside from the issue that this international organization seeking to make a sham of the internationally recognized principles in criminal law, the ICC was organized by the most ruthless European colonizers now hallucinating to supplant the influence and hegemony of the US once its global dominance finally comes to an inglorious end.

The stand of these two former mutineers is in contrast to the position taken by the government indicating they are not acting within the limits of a legitimate opposition, but are serving as conduits of an external party to effectively mutate their role as enemies of the Republic.

Logically, any citizen who might encourage and even support to secure the arrest of our citizen, despite the President’s declaration to withdraw, could equally make him an enemy of the state. This position has nothing to do in determining the culpability of the President, but for their stand in siding the cause of an external power in seeking to violate our sovereignty.

Maybe the government can extend to these ideologues a degree of magnanimity who has been disguising themselves as progressives. But for how long can the government tolerate their destructive and divisive conduct? As people now see their role, they are openly engaged in political opportunism; of fighting bloody battles against government forces while waging subversion to cause our people to lose faith and trust in the government through deceit and deception.

The statement made by Bayan Muna Party-list Rep. Carlos Zarate saying that the “President Duterte’s withdrawal from the Rome Statute is intended to escape accountability is ominous of an even worse human rights situation in the country.” The same can be said of the statement made by Ifugao Rep. Teddy Baguilat, and Akbayan Party-list Rep. Tom Villarin. As enemies of the state, they are unanimous in wanting to send the President to the lion’s den.

Despite everything, this column is not suggesting we wage a tit-for-tat response to these vicious attacks against the government of President Duterte. Rather, this column would just like to pose a rhetorical question, like asking how would they feel if the government would raise the issue of bringing a case against their bosses now holed in Netherlands? Remember the crime of mass murder they committed was not against their enemies but against of their own followers on the flimsy suspicion of being deep penetration agents of the state.

Would they not argue lack of jurisdiction more so that the Philippines has withdrawn from that colonialist and racist sponsored Kangaroo Court? In fact, they exhibited their complete idiocy by insisting that President Duterte could not get away with the complaint by the expediency of withdrawing from the ICC. They failed to reconcile that the withdrawal came before the ICC could conduct its preliminary investigation to secure prima facie evidence against him. Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo is correct in questioning the jurisdiction of the ICC when he said, “it (ICC) can no longer conduct an investigation on the alleged killings in President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs after he announced the country’s withdrawal from the tribunal?”

The yellow opposition are not only living up to their role as hideous traitors, but are doing their best to project this country as made up of mental retardates that should forever remain a puppet state. Quite strange, the so-called party-list representatives, being the most vocal in denouncing imperialist interference, are now the ones clinging on to the underwear of the imperialist colonizers. More than that, the Philippines and Cambodia are the only Asian countries that joined the ICC. With the Philippines withdrawing, the ICC is contemplating in bringing President Hun Sen to the ICC for the fact that the lackeys of the imperialist lost in the recently concluded election.

To complete the stupidity of these so-called ideologues, the Bayan Muna, and Akbayan were joined by their fellow mad dogs, namely: Antonio Tinio of the Alliance for Concerned Teachers and Kabataan Party-list Rep. Sarah Elago in voicing out their demand to try our President, when they could not even secure a warrant for the arrest of US servicemen who commit crimes in this country? Indeed, they are living up to their true form as useful idiots for lending a hand to the yellow oligarchy while masquerading as ideologues as columnists Tiglao would derisively call them. 

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