29.3 C
Saturday, October 12, 2024

Health Bulletin: How to prevent dengue

How to prevent dengue

The rainy season is a refreshing respite after the blistering summer. However, it also comes with several illnesses and diseases—the most dreaded of all is dengue.

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Dengue is caused by a bite of an infected mosquito that can cause serious health problems. MediCard President and CEO Dr. Nicky Montoya says the risk of getting infected with the disease increases during the wet season. “As of now. There’s still no vaccine for dengue fever so the best course of action is prevention.”

Studies show that the most common breeding ground of mosquitoes is stagnant water: these include spare tires, uncovered buckets and cans, flower vases and pots, and pails in the bathroom, thus make sure to empty them and check them regularly. It is also advised to empty and cover swimming pools, unclog the gutters, and cover your trashcan.

Putting screen on doors and windows is an effective way to keep mosquitoes from entering your home. Growing plants like citronella, marigold, and basil, and using citronella or eucalyptus oil as air freshener also help in warding off these insects.

Minimize areas of exposed skin. Wear long sleeves, pants, and socks whenever you visit mosquito-infested places.

When outdoors or when you go to mosquito-infested areas, apply mosquito repellent to all exposed areas of your skin. Dr. Montoya recommends mosquito repellent with 10 percent concentration of DEET, an active ingredient that effectively deters mosquitoes.

Eat food rich in vitamin C like orange, tomatoes, papaya, broccoli, and dark leafy vegetables. “Food that is packed with vitamin C helps increase white blood cells, which protects the body from infectious diseases and foreign invaders,” says the medical expert.


5 reasons why you shouldn’t skip breakfast

It’s easy to skip meals in the morning especially when you’re frantically running from your home to your office.

But these five things breakfast does to your body would most likely encourage you to grab a bite before you start your day. 

It keeps you energized

Keeping your energy levels high, with the help of eggs, cereal, or fruits, will keep you energized therefore help you accomplish all your responsibilities efficiently.

It improves your memory and concentration

Want to have better coordination and problem-solving skills? According to research, eating breakfast leads to better cognitive performance. It also restores glucose levels, which is an important carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function properly.

It helps lower cholesterol levels

Studies show that people who skip breakfast are more likely to have worse cholesterol levels and insulin sensitivity than those who do. This is because eating nutritious foods in the beginning of your day helps you eat smaller meals and avoid fatty food throughout the day.

It boosts metabolism and controls weight

A great way to kick start your metabolism, which slows down when you sleep, is by having a healthy breakfast to allow your body to start burning calories as soon as you start your day. In addition to faster metabolism, eating breakfast also helps you control your weight. When you consume high-protein meals during breakfast, you will feel fuller, hence, avoiding overeating later in the day.

It puts you in a positive mood

Sleeping for eight hours or so usually mean that you’re starving when you wake up. Starvation can really put you in a bad mood. That can be easily dealt with by eating a healthy breakfast.  


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