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MakatiMed shares tips to remember to fight memory loss

Progressive memory impairment is heartbreaking to experience, and equally heartbreaking to witness. We’ve heard stories of a husband forgetting the name of his wife, of a mother not recognizing her own children, of a grandparent roaming the street where he had lived all his life, not knowing how to get back home. 

Forgetfulness is a common complaint among the elderly. Makati Medical Center, the Philippines’ premier healthcare institution, shares what you need to know about memory loss from aging, and how to improve your memory.

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“People sometimes worry that the memory lapses they experience may be a sign of a serious brain disorder, such as dementia,” shares Paulino S. Tenchavez, MD, head of the MakatiMed Memory Plus Center. The Memory Plus Center provides services for the diagnosis of conditions that affect an individual’s cognitive functions. This is managed through a holistic multidisciplinary approach based on international standards of medical care, ethical perspectives, cultural sensitivity, and respect for the dignity of the patient.

“Normal age-related memory loss is not disabling,” Dr. Tenchavez continues. “You can still continue with your daily life. Dementia, on the other hand, is more serious. It is a set of symptoms that result when the brain is damaged by diseases or strokes, and may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language, and disrupts a person’s social and occupational activities.” 

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. But there are many other causes, which makes early diagnosis extremely important. Timely diagnosis of memory loss can help doctors manage its effects, or even reverse it, in cases where memory loss is caused by medical problems such as a minor head injury or certain medications.

He continues, “The brain is like a muscle that you have to exercise in order to keep it strong.” 

Brain workout. When looking for a “brain workout,” go with something that will teach you something new, he says. “It shouldn’t be something you’re used to doing because the challenge to your brain is what will really help your memory. Look for a skill that you can keep on improving, as well. It may be learning a new language or playing an instrument. These skills that keep your brain working will be great help to your memory retention.”

Exercise. Physical exercise is known to help with memory as well. Dr. Tenchavez says, “It can increase the supply of blood to the brain, which spurs the development of new neurons, and forges more connections between them.” 

Timely diagnosis of memory loss can help doctors manage or reverse its effects

Just 45 minutes of aerobic workout thrice a week is enough to benefit your memory. For the elderly, something as easy as walking can count as aerobic exercise. 

Sleep. A good night’s sleep brings a world of benefits to the body, including aiding memory. Anyone can attest that being well rested helps us think clearer. During sleep is also when we solidify memories and strengthen connections between brain cells. 

Healthy Diet. Another all-around beneficial lifestyle change you can enact is sticking to a healthy diet. According to Dr. Tenchavez, “Omega-3, which is found in fish, is found to be good for brain health. Limit your intake of saturated fat, which increase your risk of dementia and impair concentration and memory.” 

Alleviate Stress. Stress destroys brain cells and damages the hippocampus, the region of the brain involved in the formation of new memories and the retrieval of old ones. Practice relaxation techniques and talk to trusted friends, family, or a health professional to help you manage stressful situations.

It’s never too early to start taking care of your brain. Follow these tips and you may enjoy looking back on your life in your older years. 

For more information, please contact MakatiMed On-Call at +632.8888 999, email [email protected], or visit


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