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IMF: Protectionism to worsen economy

WASHINGTON”•Protectionism’s rise in Europe and the United States is pushing the world’s economic leaders toward a delicate balancing act: defending globalization but acknowledging the pain that sometimes comes with it.

With the US presidential elections a month away, the annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund kicked off this week in Washington with a stern warning: For the world to turn its back on trade now would only worsen the ills of a flagging global economy.

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“Increasing pressure for inward-looking policies are a particular threat to the global outlook,” the IMF said in downgrading growth forecasts for advanced economies, pushing concerns about Deutsche Bank’s stability and China’s commercial debt binge into the background.

Paraguayan Finance Minister Santiago Pena Palacios (left) chats with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, next to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim at the start of the eighth meeting of the Finance Minister of the Americas and the Caribbean at Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, DC on October 5, 2016. AFP

The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, urged world governments to banish “the storm clouds of isolationism and protectionism,” saying that open borders had lifted a billion people out of poverty in over a quarter century.

Long bandied about by the major international financial institutions, this message faces an increasingly unreceptive audience.

In the United States, long a bastion of trade liberalization, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has rallied supporters by promising a trade war with China and retaliatory import duties on Mexico.

Across the Atlantic, the British vote to secede from the European Union threatens to spur other countries to roll back economic integration in Europe. The free-trade pact currently under negotiation with the United States, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, faces stiff resistance in Europe.

Bit by bit, globalization finds itself accused of depressing wages, causing industrial decline and keeping low-skilled workers unemployed.

Against a backdrop of sluggish global trade, these accusations extend far beyond the insular clique of activist NGOs and are starting to threaten established dogma.

But Germany says it will hold the line.

“We are committed to build an open world economy, reject protectionism, promote global trade and investment,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble said in a statement published Wednesday on the IMF’s web site.

And for now, only a few countries, such as Poland, have gone so far as to enact protectionist measures.

But the possibility of a re-set, or at least a rhetorical one, is setting in among the world’s financial centers, which fear they risk encouraging populist movements by remaining deaf to the rising grievances about globalization.

The IMF and its managing director Christine Lagarde have been foremost in this reckoning, conceding that global growth benefits too few and globalization’s losers should receive dedicated support. 


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