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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Surprising reasons why you should get those zzzs

If you have been feeling lethargic, bad tempered, slow witted, skin breaking out and looking like a panda with those dark circles around your eyes, chances are, you haven’t been getting enough sleep. 

Not many however realize that the lack of sleep also affects the heart, mind, body and even their sex life – as disclosed by the Neurophysiology & Sleep Disorders Laboratory of the Philippines’ premier health institution Makati Medical Center.

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Here are some of the best reasons why you should turn off the lights and go to bed earlier tonight:

You’ll be in a better mood. “Sleeping poorly is one of the most stated reasons that people give for having a less than stellar day,” says sleep specialist Dr. Rosalina P. Espiritu-Picar, co-director of MakatiMed’s Sleep Laboratory. “When your body lacks sleep, it goes into a state of stress, putting your body functions on high alert and driving an increase in blood pressure and the production of stress hormones,” she continues. Being sleep-deficient can also affect your judgment, problem-solving ability and creativity, so make sure you get enough to face the day ahead.

Poor sleep is one of the reasons why people feel stressed or irritable

It helps keep your heart healthy. Did you know that heart attacks and strokes more commonly occur during the early morning hours? Dr. Picar says that this is due to the way sleep interacts with blood vessels. “Lack of sleep has been associated with heart disease and stroke risk factors, like worsening blood pressure and cholesterol. The recommended 6-8 hours daily will definitely be healthier for your heart.”  It is also important to pay attention to sleep quality and not just sleep length. Many conditions that affect sleep quality such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea have been linked to a multitude of diseases.

Sleep makes you smarter. Getting the appropriate amount and quality of sleep has some pretty awesome effects on how you learn and focus – it even improves memory, and cognitive function. “We aren’t yet at the point of fully understanding why we sleep and dream, but the process called memory consolidation occurs during sleep,” Dr. Picar explains. “While your body is resting, your brain, on the other hand, is busy processing, making connections between events, and taking on sensory input, feelings and memories.”  

It can improve your sex life. Yes, not getting enough sleep may also mean not getting any. Looks like the lack of zzz’s lowers libido and can increase the possibility of encountering sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction. “Being tired and fatigued all the time results in decreased libido. In a recent study that we conducted at the Makati Medical Center, depressive symptoms and sexual dysfunction scores improved upon the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP therapy, the treatment of choice for sleep apnea,” Dr. Picar says.

Sleep contributes to skin health. Your skin can be damaged not just by harmful UV rays, but also by lack of sleep since it can trigger acne breakouts and lead to premature skin aging. “Don’t limit your skin care routine to creams and lotions; getting enough sleep is just as important.”

Sleep can make you sexy. Shedding those pounds can be as simple as getting a good night’s sleep. “There’s a reason why health and fitness experts keep telling us about the importance of sleep. Your metabolism can drastically slow down and you can’t build muscle when you lack sleep,” says Dr. Picar. “Your body also uses this time to recover and heal cell and tissue damage.  Recent studies have also shown that the time in which we get our sleep is as important. A reversal of sleep patterns as we see in most shift workers and call center workers results in a tendency to indulge in high calorie food such as chips and fries contributing to unwanted pounds and overall poor health.”

For more information, contact MakatiMed On-Call at 8888.999, email [email protected], or visit


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