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Sunday, October 13, 2024

EDC establishes diversity park in UP Los Baños campus in Laguna

Energy Development Corp., the University of the Philippines at Los Baños and UPLB Foundation have created a biodiversity park in UPLB Campus, Laguna. 

EDC, the biggest geothermal steam producer, said in a statement the UPLB-EDC BINHI biodiversity park wouldserve as a seedling or gene bank for threatened Philippine tree species and a source of planting materials for forest restoration programs.

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A total of 240 trees including the highly valued “dalingdingan,” “kaladis narig,” “kamagong,” “malabayabas,” “manggachapui,” “narek,” “Philippine teak,” and “tindalo” are now planted in the park. 

The company said the trees will be properly labeled consisting of scientific names, distribution, ecological status and uses, families and forest formations. 

The park, meanwhile, will serve as a living laboratory for taxonomy students, faculty and researchers. The park is equipped with facilities and a nature-themed walkway for the appreciation of both conservationists and tourists.   

EDC is seriously involved in the rescue and preservation of the country’s most premium endangered tree species through BINHI, its landmark biodiversity project. 

Launched in 2008 using EDC’s three decades of experience in integrated social forestry as platform, BINHI has become a model for corporate-led reforestation programs among Philippine businesses.

“Through BINHI, we seek to preserve the gene pool of the critically endangered premium indigenous tree species which are at the core of our local biodiversity and which represent our nation’s heritage and identity,” EDC vice president for corporate affairs Ramon Carandang said.

EDC is propagating them for replanting in safe areas such as schools and parks.

“When these grow up to be mother trees, we will then gather the seeds and plant them in even more schools, parks and protected areas to bring them back to abundance.” Carandang said.

EDC, through intensive field work, rescued the 96 priority endangered tree species, which were selected for their superior strength and high economic and aesthetic values. 

EDC has completed similar tree park projects in UP Diliman, Bayani Juan in Calauan, Laguna, and Rafael Salas Park in Bago City.

It planted seedlings of rare and endangered species in 120 partner schools and parks nationwide.

EDC’s partners in the BINHI project share in the responsibility of implementing the long-term protection, monitoring and maintenance of the planted trees until they have grown into mother trees, and ensuring such rare species will never be allowed to become extinct. 


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