28.2 C
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Philip D. Adler

Two weeks ago I featured the Final Column of Philip Adler. Some salient facts about Adler:

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2012: Non-playing captain of the silver medalist MSA team in the World Senior Championship in Lille, France.

2005 until May 1, 2015: Bridge columnist for the New York Times.

Adler wrote “As a player, I won several junior titles and the English national team championship, the Crockford’s Cup. But sadly I have not won a national title in the United States, getting close three times. He gives us an interesting hand:

                North                                                                    ♠AKJ104




West                     East

♠976                      ♠85

♥                             ♥108652

♦K642                    ♦A8753

♣KJ10762             ♣4






West     North    East        South


2NT        3♠           5♦           6♥

PASS      PASS      PASS

West made an unusual Unusual No-trump overcall with 4=6, not 5=5, distribution. Then, against my six-heart-contract, he led the diamond deuce. East won with his ace and shifted to the club four. How did I continue?

I judged that if West had a spade void, he would have led a high diamond as a suit-preference signal. So I became worried that the trumps were breaking badly. I won with my club ace, played a spade to dummy’s ace and led the heart nine. East, thinking that it could not hurt, covered with his ten. I won with my ace and noted West’s discard. I returned to dummy with a spade to the ten, played a heart to my seven, drew trumps and ran the spades. Plus 1,430 was a cold top.

If East had played low smoothly under the heart nine, I would have put up my ace and gone down like everyone else. When you have a card surrounded like that, it will almost always be wrong to cover.

* * *

Results of Alejandro Duplicate Game last May 19, 2015:

Nena Ramirex-Joli Kansil

Ching Holley-Chris Tweddell

Winston Arpon-Justo Manlongat


Results at Manila Peninsula last May 20, 2015:

Joli Kansil-Elizabeth Golamco

Sylvia Alejandro-Margaret Kwok

Justo Manlongat-Satomi Suzuki


Results at Cambridge Game last May 21, 2015:

John McPhedran-Abla Assad

Martin Anastacio-Margaret Kwok


Comments to: [email protected] ç [email protected]


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