A Puzzling Encounter: Missy's Sink Dilemma Unveils a Sinister Mystery

A Puzzling Encounter: Missy's Sink Dilemma Unveils a Sinister Mystery
Dive into a captivating tale that begins with a cat's mysterious obsession with a bathroom sink. When Missy, Sandra's beloved feline, refuses to leave the sink, Sandra's curiosity is piqued. As she investigates the peculiar behavior of her furry companion, she uncovers a series of strange events unfolding in her own home.

Cat refuses to leave sink - owner calls police

Missy was nowhere to be found

Normally, Sandra's cat, Missy, would eagerly run towards the bedroom as soon as she opened the door in the morning. Missy would seek food and attention, and since they lived alone in the house, they had their routine. However, today, the cat was nowhere to be found.


Sandra immediately grew concerned. She had made every effort to secure the house so that Missy couldn't slip out, yet it seemed as though she had vanished into thin air. Could something have happened during the night?

Calling out

Sandra started calling out for her beloved Missy and searched the entire house. She even shook the small box of her favorite meal, but the cat seemed to have disappeared without a trace. Normally, she couldn't resist her food.


The longer Sandra searched, the more scenarios she played in her mind. Could it be that Missy had found a way outside after all? She always made sure to lock the door before going to sleep. Then Sandra noticed that the bathroom door was open.

The bathroom

Sandra had left the bathroom window slightly open in the evening, intending to close it after a few minutes, but she had forgotten. Missy must have climbed out of the window.

Sandra hurried into the bathroom, tears welling up in her eyes, never expecting to see her cat again. The window was open, but after a moment in the bathroom, relief washed over her. Sandra found Missy in the sink.


As Sandra entered the bathroom, the cat didn't even look at her. Missy hadn't responded to the calls or the tempting food. The cat was locked in, clinging to the sink as if its life depended on it.

In that moment, Sandra was just grateful to have found her cat. She didn't realize yet that there might be a problem or at least a reason why Missy hadn't responded to her.

Removing from the sink

Sandra gently lifted her pet and tried to close the door behind her. Missy didn't like that at all and struggled to free itself from her grasp - it took a few moments before Missy finally surrendered to her owner's embraces and kisses. When the food landed in the bowl, it didn't take long for the cat to devour it.

After having her belly full, Missy made her way back to the now closed bathroom door and started scratching at it. It was clear that she was trying to get back inside, but Sandra didn't plan to give in to her wish.

Ignoring Missy

When Missy was in the bathroom, she would often play with the faucet, leaving it running all day, something Sandra certainly didn't want to experience again. She had to focus on her work now, and Missy had to find another way to entertain herself.

Due to all the excitement in the morning, Sandra was now running late, and she hurried towards her car. On her way to the car, she greeted a stranger and noticed a putrid smell. Sandra didn't have time to dwell on it and drove off.

The smell

Sandra assumed that there was something wrong with the sewage system, but she couldn't afford to think about it now. Little did she know that the smell and Missy's behavior were connected. Missy knew something that Sandra was still unaware of.

Sandra's workday passed without any further incidents, and her thoughts turned back to the morning. She had calmed down, but now she wondered what Missy was doing in the sink...


What did she want in the sink?

The fact that the cat didn't even react to her food was extremely strange, and it seemed that something was indeed going on. She hadn't realized it in the morning, but now she couldn't shake off her thoughts.

At the end of the workday, Sandra drove straight home and couldn't believe that Missy was still lying in front of the bathroom door. She had fallen asleep there, but as soon as she noticed Sandra coming home, she immediately started scratching again.

Something had changed in the bathroom

Sandra had already closed the window in the morning and now opened the bathroom door. Missy immediately jumped into the sink and sniffed at the drain. Something seemed to have changed.

Suddenly, Sandra smelled something. It was the same odor she had noticed in front of the house in the morning. It seemed to be emanating from the drain. Clearly, something was wrong with the drainage system!

Not just a drain smell

Sandra couldn't pinpoint what it was, but she knew she needed to seek help somewhere. She grabbed the phone and called the police, hoping they would investigate. The police reacted with some skepticism.

It was relatively normal for a strange smell to come from the drain from time to time. Often, the problem resolved itself. But Sandra insisted that the police needed to take up this case. She was convinced they would find something.

Sandra convinced them

Missy didn't behave so strangely for no reason, and Sandra trusted her cat's instincts. And shortly after, she had convinced the police to look into the matter. They wouldn't regret their decision.

About twenty minutes later, a police officer arrived. He knocked on Sandra's door, and when she opened it, she saw the young officer staring at his phone. He asked her if she could make him a cup of coffee and seemed generally unenthusiastic.

A quick exit

The officer immediately tried to convince Sandra to hire a specialist to inspect the drain. He wanted to wrap up the case as quickly as possible. Sandra agreed, but first, he should observe Missy's behavior.

The officer went to the bathroom, and it didn't take long for him to wrinkle his nose as well. Then he saw the cat's behavior. As he approached, he was aggressively hissed at. Now he was also worried.

No room for effort

The combination of the smell and Sandra acting on high alert finally moved the officer to call for backup. During his call, he was informed that the same problem had occurred in other houses as well. What was going on here?

The officer didn't receive any backup, and Sandra grew worried. Was this the only support she would get? Finally, the officer asked if Sandra could remove the cat. Sandra took Missy into her arms, which she allowed without hissing.

Taking a look in the drain

The officer cautiously approached the sink, feeling disgusted by the smell. Sandra tried to distract Missy and left the bathroom. A few minutes later, it was clear that Sandra had been right to contact the police.

The officer rushed out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He asked if the door could be fully shut as well. Sandra was overwhelmed - what had he found in the sink? There wasn't enough time to ask questions - the officer closed the door and asked Sandra to come with him.


To the Police Station

The police officer briefly considered whether Sandra might pose a threat, but so far, she had been cooperative. The officer simply wondered what was happening in the house. Would she ever be able to return to her home?

Just as Sandra and the officer were about to leave, Sandra spotted the unfamiliar person she had seen in the morning. She didn't recognize him; he wasn't a neighbor or resident - why was he sneaking around in this area?

Police Station

Sandra arrived at the police station and was immediately brought into a room. She was offered a cup of coffee and even given the opportunity to contact a family member. It was clear that Sandra was innocent, but there was still a reason for the smell - it was not yet a crime.

The room where Sandra was waiting had a large window. She tried to calm herself down and looked outside. She was surprised to see a whole horde of police officers approaching. They all seemed eager to know what the young officer had found.

"You need to tell us everything"

Shortly after a friendly policewoman joined Sandra, she carefully observed Missy. Then she said, "Please tell me everything that happened today. From the beginning to the end." Sandra started speaking.

Sandra repeated everything she had already told the other officer. The policewoman seemed not to hear what she wanted and seemed to be ready to leave. Then Sandra mentioned the strange man she had seen twice.

"What did the man look like?"

Sandra explained to the policewoman exactly how she had seen the same man twice, who clearly did not belong to her neighborhood. Suddenly, the policewoman stood up, darkened the blinds, and closed the door.

Sandra suddenly became very nervous. She had assumed that she was the victim in the whole story, but now she felt responsible! What did this have to do with the stranger? The questions would soon be answered.

Calling a lawyer

Sandra no longer felt safe and wanted to contact a lawyer. Her lawyer was shocked when he heard the story. He asked Sandra to stay in the room and wait for him. "You must come here immediately!" Sandra said desperately.

Just ten minutes later, Sandra's lawyer arrived. When he entered the room, he overheard the police officers discussing a more thorough inspection of Sandra's house. Sandra would have liked to hear more, but the conversation subsided. What were they hiding from her?

Advice from her lawyer

Sandra's lawyer advised her to wait and see for now. He seemed to think that it might be a misunderstanding. Sandra hadn't mentioned Missy yet, but now the lawyer's gaze also wandered questioningly toward the cat.

Sandra's primary concern was her cat. She knew that Missy had been the trigger for all the chaos, but after all, she was just a cat. The lawyer explained to Sandra that he would now speak to the police, and he left the room.

Returning to the scene

Several minutes passed until Sandra's lawyer finally returned. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a tissue. He had spoken to a police officer who made the discovery. Then came an arrest...

Sandra was asked to go to another room. She and her lawyer entered and sat down. The police officer explained to them that they had arrested the stranger. Sandra took a deep breath, but still didn't quite know what was going on. The truth would soon come to light.


Going Back

The police officer explained to Sandra that they were heading to her home to address the situation. Sandra replied, "What is happening here? What was the strange smell, and what did the stranger have to do with it?" The police officer calmly replied, "It's an unpleasant truth, do you really want to know?"

Sandra was certain. She got into the police car and was driven to her house. When they arrived, Sandra could hardly recognize her own home. Now she realized how serious the situation had been. Her lawyer and she held their breath.

A Virus

Various cleaning companies had arrived on the scene, and several police cars blocked the driveway. Sandra approached and realized that it was related to the sewer system under her house. The police officer now explained the truth to her: a virus had spread in the sewer, leading to mass rat deaths. The smell was a result of the decomposing rats.

The stranger Sandra had seen turned out to be a scientist who had been working on the virus. He was afraid that his project would be exposed due to the high number of animal deaths. Sandra was allowed to return to her house only several days later – the scientist would likely not see the light of day for a while.

This story was entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes.