The Unbelievable Floating Rock That Captivated Everyone's Attention

The Unbelievable Floating Rock That Captivated Everyone's Attention
A seemingly ordinary rock in the midst of a crowd suddenly becomes the center of attention as it defies gravity and hovers in mid-air. Discover the incredible story of Kai, who initially dismissed the rock's significance but later witnesses its mind-boggling floating phenomenon.

Man Sees a Rock Violating the Laws of Physics - Scientist Arrives and Says, "You're Not Supposed to See This" Getting Information

Kai had seen many breathtaking landscapes during his travels, but never anything like this. He was perplexed at the very idea that such a thing could be possible. But the situation became completely uncontrollable when he asked a man what was happening.


The crowd erupted into absolute chaos. Kai couldn't believe his eyes. He had to figure out how all of this could be possible, so he started asking questions around him. But then, he approached the wrong person...

Chaos Breaks Loose

A man stood in the middle of the crowd, seemingly trying to push people away. Kai didn't know why, but he had a feeling that this man knew more about what was going on.


But when he asked him the question, the man completely snapped. He started pushing the crowd even harder. But some people resisted, and chaos broke loose. Kai quickly distanced himself from the confusion when the man shouted something in his direction.

Travelling the World

Kai had been traveling the world for a year already. He had visited almost every country he wanted to see and was currently in his last destination: Egypt. He was traveling alone and greatly enjoyed this aspect. But there are certain things to consider when traveling solo. For example, you become an easier target for thieves.

People can take advantage of you, you can get lost, and if you lose your phone, you won't be able to get another one. But Kai was well aware of the risks and made sure to be properly prepared. However, there was one thing he hadn't seen coming.

An Strange Photo

Kai unpacked his bags in his hotel room. He opened the curtains and was greeted by the most magnificent view he had ever seen. His balcony was directly facing a large pyramid.

He had never seen anything like it. So, he took a photo and thought he would send it to his mother later. He had done the same everywhere he had been during his trip around the world. But then, he noticed something strange in his photo.

Meeting Amun

He noticed a large crowd in the middle of a public square and wondered why they were all gathered there. He finished packing his belongings and went down to the ground floor to go to the square. But when he arrived, the crowd had already dispersed. He was a bit disappointed but continued to explore the city. After walking for a few hours, he stopped at a restaurant for dinner.

That's where he met a charming Egyptian woman named Amun. They hit it off quickly, and she promised him that the next day, she would show him around the pyramids. But their day was about to take a different turn than they had anticipated.

Exploring the Pyramid

He met Amun early the next morning. She was patiently waiting for him at the entrance of the pyramid. They entered the monument together, in high spirits. The pyramid left Kai speechless.

Everywhere he looked, there were new things to examine. He had seen pictures on the internet, but in person, it was breathtaking. He was so captivated by everything he saw that he didn't notice what was happening around him.

Amun is Missing

After feasting his eyes on the pyramid's scenery, he realized that Amun was no longer by his side. He immediately took out his phone, but unfortunately, it was gone.

The situation left him in a state of confusion and anger. He concluded that his impression of finding a lovely person was mistaken. He regretted trusting her so quickly.

Holding On at the Exit After giving it some thought, Kai decided to leave the pyramid in hopes of finding Amun. Curiously, he found her standing at the exit of the pyramid. Amun turned around and saw Kai. She acted as if nothing had happened and called out to him. Without hesitation, Kai joined her. As he approached, Amun informed him that she had found his phone on the ground.

She continued her explanation, adding that she had lost sight of him inside and that's why she decided to wait for him directly at the exit. Although Kai didn't know what to make of her story, he retrieved his phone and continued his conversation with the young woman.

Kai Distrusts Amun

Kai felt that he should give Amun the benefit of the doubt. So, he tried to get along with her after what had happened. Despite his decision, a suspicious thought persisted in his mind.

As the thought was skeptical, he decided to check his phone to see if everything was present and untouched. At first, he thought that nothing had changed. All his apps and messages were in the same place.

He Realizes Something is Missing from His Phone

He performed further checks on his phone and noticed something strange. He realized that the photo he had taken on the square, the one he wanted to send to his mother, had been deleted.

To his surprise, it had also been erased from his WhatsApp conversations. This realization led Kai to wonder if Amun was responsible for the disappearance of this photo from his phone.

Kai's Request and Why

At first, he considered the option of asking her directly, but after a few seconds, he changed his mind. The conclusion was that she would surely deny it since he had nothing to support his accusation. Instead, he sent her a message asking if they could meet the next day.

Kai knew that a market would be held the following day, so he asked if they could go there together. He made this suggestion because he thought it was the perfect place to find out if Amun was indeed a thief. He hoped to find evidence against her at the market.

They Meet the Next Day

After sending the message, Kai waited a few minutes before receiving Amun's reply. While waiting, he hoped for a positive response. Fortunately for him, Amun agreed. They met again the next day.

But even though Kai was behind the request, he felt torn about the situation. Amun acted differently around him, but according to Kai, there was something specific in her behavior that stood out from the rest.

Something Strange with Amun

Kai felt uneasy about Amun during the market day because she kept looking over her shoulder while they were together. Her attitude, in Kai's eyes, reflected a certain fear.

What it was, he didn't know. He tried to distract her a bit and focused on what was happening around them. Surprisingly, he noticed a huge crowd of people in the distance.

She Grabs His Arm

Curious to know what was happening with the crowd, he quickened his pace to catch up with them. Suddenly, Amun grabbed his arm and pulled him in the opposite direction with a sense of urgency.

Her action caught Kai by surprise and deeply annoyed him. Without hesitation, he shook his arm to free himself from her grasp. He was determined to ask what was going on and posed the question.

Kai Disappears from Her Sight

Upon his question, Amun looked at him strangely and told him that large crowds were not a good idea. Kai was already aware of the dangers of a large crowd, but Amun's concern made him curious. As his curiosity peaked, he turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

As he approached his destination, he still couldn't see what was happening because there were far too many people. Instead of giving up on his quest, he managed to squeeze his way to the front of the crowd. He ended up perplexed and disappointed by what he saw, as it wasn't as unique as he had expected.

What He Wanted to Know Wasn't Worth His Time Initially, Kai was puzzled by the nature of what he sought to discover, as he felt that it wasn't worth the attention of all these people. And certainly not worth his while.

He wondered what was so special about the large rock in the middle of the crowd. Regret washed over him, and he quickly backtracked, maneuvering through the crowd back to Amun.

She was relieved by his explanation

As Kai returned to Amun, he was out of breath from the stress of trying to find out what everyone was looking at. After calming down, he told the young woman that people were simply looking at a big rock.

He added that he wondered why everyone found the rock so incredible. Why the crowd gazed at it with awe and wonder. Upon hearing his words, Amun appeared extremely relieved.

His decision towards the end of his trip to Egypt

Even though the market was over and they had left the area where the big rock was, it wouldn't be the last time Kai would see it. After the market, he noticed that the crowd gathered in the public square almost every day.

As he was nearing the end of his trip to Egypt, he decided to take another look at the rock one last time. Kai believed that he might have missed something spectacular the first time he saw it.

The floating rock

And as he approached, he noticed that he had indeed missed something. Something very significant. This was no ordinary rock. This rock... was floating. Kai couldn't believe his eyes. How was this possible? There were two men pushing back the onlookers, as if something was not right.

The men grew increasingly nervous, and Kai asked why they were clearing everyone away. "Are you not supposed to see this?!" he exclaimed. But no one provided an explanation for the current situation.